
Monday 18 August 2014

August Garden.

It's been a while since I last showed you my garden plot at my mums house.  It's fair to say it's grown a bit since then! 

This is my little plot, my courgette is huge and the sweetcorn is taller than me!  The broad beans are nearly over, I'm just waiting for the last few pods to embiggen.


I'm trying to get to the courgettes before they get too big, they're nicer to eat when they're small and the plant keeps producing more courgettes for longer when you pick them more often.  I picked 3 small ones today and can see loads more coming.


I love the fluffy bits on sweetcorn!  These have shot up in the last couple of weeks!


 My rainbow chard has grown well, but has been eaten to pieces by slugs and snails.  I've cut it all back in the hopes it'll grow again and I can get to it before the insects/gastropods!  My spinach and curly kale have been rubbish this year, no joy at all.


I was kept company in the garden by this little squirrel, who had a spectacular chasing round and round the tree fight with another squirrel.  He then sat in the tree barking to keep the other squirrel off his property!


How are your gardens doing?


  1. I wish I had a garden Suzie :( I live in a small little tiny apartment, I have been told that I could have a container garden, I might actually give that a try next summer... I have seen these sites where people encourage others to grow food whereever they can, I think it's a good idea.
    I Hope your week got off to a good start,
    Tammy x

  2. I was wondering if I might have your address to send you a card? If that's okay, you can email me at
    Tammy x

    1. You should try container gardening, I have lots of pots on my balcony and grow strawberries and tomatoes and herbs there! It's nice to grow little bits of stuff on my balcony and at my Mums, but I really want a garden of my very own too, maybe someday!

      Hope you're having a nice week too, I will email you now :) x


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