
Friday 8 August 2014

My Frugal, Penny Jar Savings Challenge. Update.

A while ago I posted about my frugal, penny jar savings challenge.  I want to save about £70 in my savings jar, to take to the change machine in the supermarket, to exchange for vouchers to pay for food in December and January.

My Frugal, Penny Jar Savings Challenge.  Update. Can I save enough money to pay for my Christmas Supermarket Shopping?  Second Hand Susie Blog.

The jar's been looking quite full for a while now, and last night I counted it all out.

My Frugal, Penny Jar Savings Challenge.  Update. Can I save enough money to pay for my Christmas Supermarket Shopping?  Second Hand Susie Blog.

I have £31.21!  And I still have the dime and the googly eyes.

I'm almost half way there!  

Are you saving up for something?


  1. I love it! I have a big plastic Coke bottle that I put all of my change in! The googly eye is perfect! You should definitely keep it in there! Maybe I will count mine soon! :)

    1. You should, it's very satisfying! There isn't a great exchange rate for googly eyes at the moment, so I guess I'll keep them in my jar for now!

  2. Susie... Good for you! I actually put all of my extra change in a jar too but I had to cover it with pretty paper and mod podge and seal the top!! Otherwise I'd be tempted every-time the kids needed a couple of bucks and my teenager for sure would take every quarter in there!! Christmas is an expensive time of year, so I admire you starting out so early! Much love to you, Tammy

    1. I have another little pot where I keep change for the bus and stuff, so I have no excuses to be touching the pennies in my jar!

      Last year I really got hit by being paid early in December (because payroll were closing for Christmas) then not realising I would have to wait 6 weeks for my next pay day. This year I am prepared!

  3. Those cash counting machines in supermarkets take a percentage of your money. Bag it up yourself and take it to the bank of post office. I save coins in a glass demijohn and use it for holiday money. There's usually around £90 in it.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I know they take a percentage but it's easier for me to just tip my coins in there rather than take it to the bank! My bank has a limit of how many bags of change you can take in per day, I believe, so it's easier to get rid of it all in one go and I don't have to count it either!


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