
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Things I Loved This Month, September 2014.

This month I've loved,

* Spending a day looking after my niece, playing crayons and splashy water games and toe biting (she is still in a toe biting stage!) and trying to make her say Susie (she can do it, she says 'sisssseeeeeeee') * my 30th birthday, I had cake, chips, curry and lots of lovely cards, messages and pressies * Harry Potter Studio Tour, Awe-some! * Ikea * Wicked soundtrack * balloon * watching Doctor Who (what do you think of the new Doctor?  I love him!), Great British Bake Off, Downton Abbey, Clarissa Explains it All and Cilla * skyping * croissants * exciting snail mail *  buying a 2015 diary, organisation! * charity shopping * new houseplants * ice lolly in the sunshine * gardening * sweet peas * being bought flowers * reading Caitlin Moran's new book * making a new display at work * jelly * watching Arrietty, Made in Dagenham * my friend from Brazil being back in the UK for 6 weeks! * seeing art by Rossetti, Frances Bacon, Burne Jones and a Rodin at Shrewsbury Museum * chocolate covered kendal mint cake * homemade vegan pizza * buying some photo prints and making a photo album * making salt dough daleks * new birkenstocks * 

I had a lovely month apart from this MURDER happening in my block of flats, which has been very scary.  Pictures and film of my balcony and kitchen window have been all over local newspapers and TV news.  I have new found respect for the police, who have been here round the clock for the past week collecting evidence and well, I don't really know what else because they don't tell me, but I did see them emptying the bins which was pretty grim.

I hope you've had a lovely (and not as dramatic as mine) month too!?

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