
Monday 19 January 2015

Photo an Hour January 2015.

I wanted to take part in photo an hour for a while now, after seeing it on Louisa's blog.  

The day set for photo an hour this month was Saturday 17th, I completely forgot, so I did my own photo an hour challenge on Sunday instead!

9am - reading blogs with my breakfast.

10am - back from the supermarket.  I bought a new hoover 'cos I killed the old one by hoovering up a mushroom.

11am - post supermarket treat, vegan orange chocolate bar and a bit of Sunday morning TV. 

12pm - I popped to the library to do some photocopying.  This is one of the libraries I work in. 

1pm - Sunday is pancake day.

2pm - Testing my new Hoover.  

3pm - Watching my Sabrina the Teenage Witch box set (I'm up to series 3), sitting on the sofa, wearing my dressing gown.

4pm - Bath time!

5pm - Washing time!

6pm - Dinner, sausage curry stir fry.  Yum.

7pm - My boyfriend has arrived home, my feet live on him pretty much any time I sit next to him.

8pm - Popcorn!

I stopped taking photos after this, we stayed in the same position for the next couple of hours!

This seems like quite a boring day, but I really like pottering round on a Sunday and not doing very much.

Next month I hope to take part on the correct date!


  1. Love following your day. I am the same as you dressing gown on asap cosy on sofa.

  2. Love this post! And Sabrina the teenage witch!

    1. I'm obsessed with Sabrina the Teenage Witch at the moment!

  3. First I have to tell you, that you have the cutest flat ever!!
    Second... LOVED this idea! I'm going to do it tomorrow! I was reading your blog today on my phone while I was at work (I was on break... cough cough) and I couldn't start in the middle of the day, so I'm on it tomorrow!
    Thank you for the idea!
    Much love,

    1. Aww thanks Tammy :)

      I look forward to seeing your photo a day, you'll post them on your blog right?

  4. I love weekend days when you just potter and get little bits and pieces done. I'm planning one this weekend and I can't wait!

    1. Hope you enjoy it! I try to keep Sunday's free for potter-age, it doesn't always work out but I love it when it does!

  5. Oh, I wish our library was open on a Sunday. I enjoyed following your day and seeing what you got up to!

    Eileen @ In My Playroom (also joining in with Photo an Hour)

    1. Thanks Eileen. My library is only open for self service on Sunday, I don't usually go on a Sunday (I spend enough time working there in the week!) but I was happy to see how many people were in there using it.

  6. Louisa pointed me in your direction, as I didn't know that you'd joined in with Photo an Hour! We are sharing the hosting duties this year :)

    I've added your link to my blog post, and I've set the date for next month (Feb 21st), so it would be great if you could join in again!

    Jane x

    1. I'll definitely join in again next month (if I remember!) :D

  7. A day with pancakes and Sabrina is never a boring day!

  8. I LOVE pottering Sundays. My day wasn't very exciting, I didn't leave the house so most my photos were of cats :)

    1. Your day looked pretty nice to me, wine, cats, what more could a girl want!? :)

  9. Yay for taking part in photo an hour! (and it doesn't matter that it was Sunday, Josie did it the next day as well, it definitely still counts) :-) I like the look of your library, very smart! xx

    1. I'm glad it still counts!
      Thank you, my library is very shiny and new (3 years old), we're quite proud of it :)


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