
Sunday 19 July 2015

Photo an Hour, July 2015.

The 18th of July was chosen as photo an hour day this month!

Photo an hour is organised by Louisa and Jane.  Here's my day in photos,

10am - I had a lie in, then had a peek at the weather through the conservatory window, lovely and sunny.

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

11am - Vegan pancakes for breakfast!  They weren't the best, because I can't find the big pan and only had strong bread flour!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

12pm - Walking into town with my boy, I love these old, red brick buildings.

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

1pm - We were looking for furniture in the charity shops, I wasn't allowed this matching, faux marble effect dressing table and wardrobe!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

2pm - But I was allowed this cute little chest of drawers, that only cost £10.  I love the curved backs of the drawers, just a shame you can't see them when the drawers are assembled!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

3pm - The new drawers are set up in the bathroom, I'm happy I can finally take the bathroom stuff out of the moving boxes!  I think I'm going to keep my eye out for some different storage for the bathroom and these cute drawers will end up in the living room with our other mid-century modern furniture. 

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

4pm - We moved the new compost bin to the bottom of the garden and I've started filling it.  I feel soooo much better now I can compost!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

5pm - Joe, putting up some trellis for clematis to grow up, either side of our front door.  There used to be a porch there, and it's been knocked down, so there are marks on the walls.  We're hoping the trellis and plants will disguise it a bit.

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

6pm - I originally cleared this patch down the side of the house for the compost bin to go, but it turned out a bit too small and the ground was too uneven.  Shame as I spent 2 hours digging out an enormous fern!  I've planted some raspberries and a courgette plant in the space for now.  

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

7pm - Dinner time!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

8pm - I only water the garden a couple of times a week, if it can't tolerate a bit of drought, it can't live in my garden!

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

9pm - Watching a film, it was called 'Something Borrowed'.

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

10pm - Before I go to sleep I have to write down at least 5 nice things about the day in my gratitude journal (is there a less wanky name for one of these?!), and read some of my book.  

Photo an Hour, July 2015. #photoanhour

Did you take part this month?  Let me know if you did, I'd love to see your photos!

I'm trying to take part in #photoanhour every month this year, you can see my past photos here.  


  1. I like the idea of a gratitude journal (although I agree it's a bit of a wanky name!). I can be quite negative about my work, so I really need to start something similar when the new term starts to remind me that yes, I do actually quite like teaching.

    1. I've been doing my gratitude journal for years, it really does help me stay a bit happier!

  2. I quite like that dressing table, although not the wardrobe so much.

    1. HI thanks so much for visiting :)

      I like the dressing table best, but if I'd have been allowed to buy them I wouldn't have wanted to split up the set!

    2. Oh no, you'd have to keep them together

    3. They look like they've lived together for a long time, it would be sad to split them up! I hope they go to a good home!

  3. Oh man, I always miss it!!!! I could have done this except that my camera died half way through the day! Love the drawers and hurrah for courgettes!!!x

    1. I missed photo an hour every month last year, I'm making a supreme effort to remember this year, it's hard!

  4. Love that set of drawers - great find for the price.

  5. Its always nice to find a bargain. You had quite a constructive day. :)

    1. I usually have a really boring/lazy day on photo an hour, it was nice to actually be doing stuff this time! :)

  6. Susie, I've been watching and reading your Photo an hour blog posts lots in the past and you've encouraged me to participate next month, I just hope I remember. I love the view of your garden from the conservatory. And your garden is shaping up very nicely too.

    1. Yey, I can't wait to see your photos! :) I have to make a real effort to remember every month!


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