
Tuesday 15 September 2015

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.
It's really easy to make a log pile for your garden, to attract wildlife.  

We had some big logs from when we chopped down the overgrown lilac tree in our garden, and I asked Joe to saw them into smaller pieces for me.  That's all you need, some logs and maybe some smaller twigs and sticks.  

I left the logs on the garden path waiting for the mood to build a log pile to strike, and in that time plenty of woodlice made it their home, and some impressive fungus grew too!

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.

I used instructions from the RSPB and Wild About Nature.

I laid about 4 logs on the ground, added a second layer of logs, then a layer of smaller twigs.  

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.

Then piled some more logs on top.  It really wasn't very scientifical!

Making a Log Pile for your Garden.

And that's it, all done!

Do you have a log pile?  What creatures live in yours?


  1. I have a bit of a log pile on the go with branches that fall off of our old Maple tree, but we have to be careful to not get too carried away with them because of the risk of attracting termites and the like.

    1. Oh gosh, I'm glad I don't have to worry about termites!!!

  2. It's always surprising how quickly the mini-beasts move in to a log pile (or just a plank left on the ground!). I have a small one in my garden but a big one at the end of the allotment, mainly of big buddliea branches - there were two huge trees when I took on the plot, taking up too much space. I gradually cut down one over a couple of years and still have the other, for the flowers. The birds love it too.

    1. It's true, we had a big pile of twigs on the lawn in the garden, waiting to be dealt with, when I moved them a frog jumped out!

  3. I have a wood-burning stove inside so we've got a log pile in a semi-covered woodshed outside, which attracts all manner of beasties. Putting your hand in to get fresh wood for the fire can be a hair-raising experience!

    1. I don't think I'd be a fan of that! Insects are lovely in the garden but I don't want to touch them!!

  4. I made a logpile for 30 days wild- they are more like sticks, but I hope something is happy in there aside from snails!x

    1. I'm sure there is, woodlice at least to keep your snails company!


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