
Saturday 26 September 2015

Photo an Hour, September 2015.

Photo an hour always seems to fall on a day I'm working, and it was the same this weekend!

This month's #photoanhour day was 26th September.

Photo an hour is organised by Jane and Louisa, and I take part on Twitter.   

8am - I've dragged myself out of bed, a bit later than I should have, so I'm rushing around to get out of the house and into the bright, crisp day!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

9am - This tree on my walk to work is semi-autumnal.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

10am - My view for the morning, at work.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

11am - This returned book had eyelashes drawn on every face (human or bear) on every page.  I spent a long time rubbing them out!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

12pm - Still at work.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

1pm - It's been super busy today, especially because I work in a single staff branch on a Saturday, so there's just me!  I usually fill 1 trolley on a Saturday, there's 3 today!  And that's not to mention all the computer users who needed help.  There were still customers in 10 minutes after closing time.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

2pm - I missed my bus home, so I bought some chips to eat in the sunshine while I waited for the next one.  

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

3pm - I finally got home and rested my weary feet.  I couldn't resist the charity shop on my walk home though, and bought this bowl for 50p.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

4pm - Watching Storage Hunters with the boy before he went off to work.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

5pm - Napping.
Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

6pm - Joe's finished painting the bedroom, I'm so happy!  I'm happy because I managed to persuade him to paint a wall pink, and because now the painting is finished we're close to being able to get carpets!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

7pm - Time for Doctor Who.  I don't like this new storyline!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

8pm - Moon!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

9pm - I watched 10 Things I Hate about You.  When I was in secondary school and 6th form college, I would come home every afternoon and watch my 10 Things DVD before having my tea.  Seriously, every night.  Sometimes I'd watch it again after tea too.  I recorded this off the TV, it was shown in the afternoon so they've edited all the swearing out.  Which I don't like, but I know all the words anyway so I can fill them in!

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

10pm - Book and bed.  I don't like this book, I'm just skim reading it so I know how it ends.

Photo an Hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger

Did you take part in #photoanhour this month?



  1. I used to feel compelled to finish any books I'd started, but a couple of years ago I decided that life is too short so now if I'm not enjoying one I just stop. Like your new bowl. x

    1. I'm the same, I always have a big to read pile so I move onto something new usually, but I wanted to know the end of the story, even though I wasn't particularly enjoying it!

  2. I took part this month, I should be writing my post now but I've been pulled into a blog read session instead. I used to work in a shop and I'd get so annoyed when people wouldn't leave - they'd had all day, all day!, to do their shopping.
    I find decorating so exciting. I'm planning our kitchen and bedrooms at the moment. I don't think I could persuade my husband to agree to pink, even though I'm the one who will be doing the painting.
    I'm afraid if I'm not enjoying a book, I'll stop reading. I have so many to read that I just move onto something else and hope it's better!

    1. I've always worked in retail and customer service, so I'm used to customers not leaving, I don't mind too much cos I'm paid for 15 minutes after closing time, to lock up and stuff, but it did seem to go on a bit on Saturday though!

      I didn't think I'd win the pink argument, but I did (mostly because Joe's having the box room as his computer room, and I don't get my own room so I'm claiming the bedroom for girliness!)

  3. Thank you for your comment! I already read your blog - I found you through charity shop gold - but I am RUBBISH at leaving comments xxx

    1. Hi Rebecca, thank you for your comment :) You're not that rubbish at leaving them ;)

  4. Love your new bowl, I pick up a lot of my vintage things in the charity shops as well. How annoying that you had to spend ages rubbing out that child's "art work", I'm sure their parents must have noticed! Glad you won the Pink argument :) xx

    1. We have many books returned with interesting additions, this isn't the worst I've seen by a long, long shot! :)

  5. I didn't like the snake man but I did think the episode was very clever from the references to Genesis of the Daleks that old episode featuring Tom Baker because he did talk about killing that child!x

    1. Ahh, I haven't seen any of the old Doctor Who, only the modern ones. I think I was just freaked out by the snake man though!


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