
Saturday 3 October 2015

Easy green actions and articles, October 2015.

Here's this months round up of eco actions and articles,

Use Friends of the Earths' online action to ask your MEP to reject TTIP.  FOE are also asking us to write to our MPs to ask them to save solar power.

WWF have an online action to show your support for ending the use of coal in the UK.

I like zoe's list of ways to help halt climate change, on Eco Thrifty Living (one of my tips is included too!).  

Sign Sum of Us' petition against Fracking.  And sign up for Greenpeace's actions against fracking

I love these images of public space transformations.

I love the idea of Guerrilla Grafters, sneakily grafting fruit bearing branches onto ornamental trees to make inner-city free food forests!

Some of my green posts you might have missed - collect compost at workgo no 'poo and recycle your plastic bags.

You can keep up with my eco-friendly finds on Pinterest too,


Thanks for visiting!

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