
Monday 12 October 2015

Make one small change - use a wooden toilet brush.

Adopting eco friendly habits can be easier taken one small step at a time.  Lots of small changes add up to a big difference.

Make One Small Change - Use a Wooden Toilet Brush.

I try to avoid buying anything made from plastic, so I was very happy to discover I could buy a wooden toilet brush with natural (plant based) bristles (mine is from Labour and Wait, you can buy the loo brush on its own for £5, or a set with brush and holder for £18.  I use a white ceramic plant pot as a holder, it was 50p from the charity shop and works perfectly well). 

I don't know how long toilet brushes should last, but my old wooden loo brush kept going for three and a bit years, with regular disinfecting!  

Unlike a plastic brush, when finished with this brush will eventually rot away to nothing.

Being eco-friendly isn't very glamorous sometimes!

Would you switch to a wooden loo brush?


  1. I don't use a toilet brush at all. The wood one looks lovely though, as much as a toilet brush can!

    1. Haha! I prefer a brush to getting on my hands and knees to scrub under the rim of the loo, otherwise I probably wouldn't have one!

  2. I sure would switch to a wooden one, if they were available in my neck of the woods. Mainly I use a knackered, been-through-the-washing-machine-several-times scouring sponge. I go into the bowl, yes with my hands and scour away. Sponge and hands get thrown away after this last use. Haha. :-D

    1. Oh I hate doing the scrubbing the loo on my hands and knees thing (I did it for 3 hours when we moved here, the loo was stained brown, urgh!) Now it's clean I just do the rim with the loo brush, I'm glad yo have found a wooden one :)

  3. I never knew there was such a thing! I use plastic ones and try to keep them as long as I can but if love to upgrade to a wooden one when I next go to buy a new one :)

    1. There is! If the government is monitoring my internet use, then they must wonder about some of the things I research on the 'net, I spent quite a long time searching online for a wooden loo brush! :)

  4. Brill, that's really useful to know. We try not to buy plastic either, so I'll have to remember this loo brush!

  5. Like others, I didn't know this existed either. I have a plastic one but if I need to replace it, I am going to look into a wooden one.


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