
Wednesday 21 October 2015

My garden, October 2015.

It's been feeling very autumnal this month, and to be honest I've neglected the garden a bit because it's been chilly and because I've been super busy!

I'm really happy with my raised bed (I filled it using the lasagna method!).  I've planted garlic and onion sets, and leek, rainbow chard and spinach beet from seed, and they've all sprouted and they're growing!   I planted some strawberry plants down the edges too.

Raised Beds with onion and garlic.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

My great excitement has been this sunflower head.  I harvested a few seeds for myself, to plant next year, then hung the head up with some string on the fence.  I meant it to be a bird feeder, but it's been attracting my furry friends too!

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Talking of seed heads, did you know snapdragon seed heads look like little skulls? 

Snapdragon seed heads look like skulls.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

I don't want to speak too soon, but there's a courgette growing here that hasn't been eaten by a slug!!!!! (yet!)

Courgette.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

I planted some wildflower seeds and butterfly friendly seeds in the side garden, this is the only thing that's grown from those seeds.  I think it's nigella, it's really pretty!

Nigella.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

And here's the whole garden.  It needs some love this month, and possibly a water, it hasn't rained for ages!  I'll get round to that next week, this week is crazy (extra work, 2 birthdays, a wedding, naming ceremony and a friend visting!  Eeep!).

Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

This is the garden from another angle.  One day it'll be a lovely patio area with a pizza oven.  For now, it's a mess, with some pots of herbs and tomatoes.
Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

How's your garden this month?

Linking up with Green Thumb Thursday.


  1. Gardening is an everlasting job and a garden's 'life' is always evolving, which makes it exciting and interesting at all times.
    You have done a great job with the raised beds and they'll be very productive. I haven't grown sunflowers in a long time, but my mum does. She also hangs them up for the birds and I bet she will be so envious of your furry friend there. :-)

    1. You're right, I'm kind of glad it's a never ending job, it's teaching me to be patient and enjoy the process (although I'm impatient to have it 'finished' and looking better!).

  2. wow you've done so well! i wish my garden looked like that haha- sooo jealous, fingers crossed for next year lol
    hopefully i will attract squirrels soon too :) xx

    1. I've never heard of someone actually wanting to attract squirrels, they're quite pesky, but I'm quite fond of the ones that visit my garden anyway! :D

  3. Its all looking fantastic. Loving your future dreams of a pizza oven and yeah, that seed does look like a skull - so timely.

    1. Thanks Shaheen, we can't wait to have a pizza oven, I'm so impatient to make that happen!

  4. Brill, you're going to get a courgette! I only just some aubergines after a summer of waiting.
    Nice sunflower!

    1. I really, really, really hope I get that courgette before the slugs! :D

  5. How fab it looks Susie, you are doing so well!!! I've also got a courgette growing that the slugs seem to have missed, so exciting!!! I'm so cross with myself as I left some tomatoes on the window sill to ripen and I forgot about them and they've gone mouldy!!!!

    1. Thanks Kezzie :D :D

      Fingers crossed we'll both get our courgettes!

  6. I love that little really is pretty! My wildflowers didn't do too well either...I only got a few *sigh* I see the squirrel wasted no time helping himself to sunflower seeds! lol

    Thanks for linking up with Green Thumb Thursday. I hope to see you again this week!


    1. Thanks Lisa, it's nice that at least one of my flowers worked, hopefully we'll both have better luck next year!


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