
Saturday 21 November 2015

Photo an hour, November 2015.

November 21st was the day set for this months Photo an Hour challenge. 

Photo an hour is organised by Jane and Louisa and you can find round up posts on both of their blogs.

Here's my day, 

8am - I didn't want to get out of my bed!


9am - Walking to the bus stop.


10am - Once again, I'm at work during the morning of photo an hour day!

11am -  Elevenses.


12pm - My view for the morning.

1pm - There was some sort of Christmas light turning on/rodeo reindeer riding thing going on in the town square.

2pm - I was on my way to Wilkos to buy an new SD card for my camera, I always cross the road to look at the display in the wool shop window though.


3pm - I got home and put my cosy fleece nightie on, a sure sign I wasn't planning on moving again

4pm - Feet up, ignoring the unpacking that surrounds me (my house looks like a bomb's hit it, I had to empty some stuff I was storing in my mum's garage, it's all childhood toys and it's hard to sort out!).


5pm - I was asleep!

6pm - The boy made tea.


7pm - I seem to have missed this out!

8pm - Settling down to watch Doctor Who.


I stopped taking photos after 8, I didn't move for the rest of the night!

Did you take part in #photoanhour this month?  
Let me know if you did, I'd love to have a nosey at your day!


  1. I love seeing what you get up to - I too can't resist the lure of a yarn shop :)

    1. Oh me neither, although I managed to only look in the window of the wool shop this time!

  2. I love that you were in your fleecy nightie by 3! I'm the same: in the winter it's on with the pyjamas as soon as I'm home from work, no messing about.

    1. Oh yeah, I'd wear my fleecy nightie to work if I could, unfortunately it's not the uniform, so I have to wait till I get home!

  3. Ooh that looks like a nice sized wool shop! I always wanted to work in a library, I feel like yours would be nice and quiet... a good place to spend a Saturday morning anyway! :)

    1. It's a very lovely wool shop!

      My library is crazy busy on a Saturday, it's a little single staffed branch in a community centre, so lots of families having swimming/street dance/football/karate/youth theatre/chinese lessons all come to the library too, it's very nice, especially as I get to see the same children each week, for years and I get to see them grow up, but it's mad busy! Monday mornings are the time for peace, quiet and making all the books stand up straight in my library!

  4. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to talk to someone about Doctor Who!!!! What did you think?!?!?!! is she really dead!?!?!?!!? I am so traumatised by it- I knew it was coming but ahrgh!!!! I hope Moffatt is true to form and she isn't really!??!x

    1. I think she's in an alternate universe, surely she can't just die and that be it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I didn't want to get up either, but we did and went into Bristol. I seemed to have missed PhotoAnHour again. Its okay, I probably would have been to distracted to take pics an hour - I worked in a library in my student days (at the Uni), I envy those at my library in the town - but I know its not always what we imagine it to be....I'd find myself in the cook section often though :)

    1. I get asked a lot if I read a lot of books at work (nope! Although I read a lot at home and on my lunchbreak!) and people tell me they think it must be a lovely quiet job, I like my job lots but it's more about people than books really!

      Next month's photo an hour is the 19th of December I think :) Jealous that you went to Bristol, I love Bristol! Hope you had a lovely time :)

  6. I fully applaud your decision to get into your nightie so early - I often do the same! Who wants to sit around in clothes when they are much comfier things to lounge around in?

    Thanks for joining in again, and for being so speedy with your roundup! :)


    1. Thanks for hosting Jane :D

      I've never been one for wearing 'proper' clothes if I can help it, I love my PJs and nighties!

  7. I don't have a fleecy nightie but I am known for getting into my pjs asap.:)

  8. I love pretty pictures...The 9 am - Walking to the bus stop - is my favourite!

    1. Thank you, it's a pretty little alleyway I go down on my way :)


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