
Sunday 20 December 2015

Photo an hour, December 2015.

I'm feeling quite proud of myself because I've taken part in photo an hour every month for the last year!

The day set for this month's photo an hour was 19th December, and I posted my photos on Twitter and Instagram throughout the day.

Photo an hour is organised by Jane and Louisa and you can find round up posts on both of their blogs.

Here's my day,

8am - Reluctant to leave my house and go to work, but at least the sky was pretty.

Photo an hour.

9am - Walking through town to get the bus.  The day was grey.

Photo an hour.
10am - I got to work and put the Christmas tree lights on, because priorities.

Photo an hour.

11am - Essential supplies (phone, chapstick, chocolate biscuits, snack tin, library key).

Photo an hour.

12pm - Part of our library Christmas display.  I had quite a nice day at work, lots of my cute little customers wished me merry Christmas, a customer bought us a box of chocolates and it was actually quiet for once!

Photo an hour.
1pm - Waiting for my bus home.

Photo an hour.

2pm - Still waiting for my bus home, there's supposed to be one every 15 minutes, but I sat there for about an hour, and had to buy a bag of crisps to keep me going.  While waiting for the bus a small boy referred to me as a 'bus wanker'  He could have only been about 10 or 11.  By this point I was unimpressed.  And cold.  And it was raining.

Photo an hour.

3pm - Finally got home, I had to pick up a few things in town and it would have been rude not to pop into a couple of charity shops.  The blouse was off the pound rail and I couldn't resist the kitschtastic donkey!

Photo an hour.

4pm - Sitting down quietly with a blanket, a super-yummy mini moos vegan chocolate bar (which tasted exactly like a Crunchie!), catching up with an episode of Made in Chelsea.

Photo an hour.

5pm - Reading some blogs (the one in the photo is Nerd Burger, reviewing some graphic novels and comic books.)

Photo an hour.

6pm - I can't believe I'd not seen Arthur Christmas before, it's such a lovely film!

Photo an hour.

7pm - Sooo not a healthy dinner.  Although in my defence those are vegetable spring rolls!

Photo an hour.

8pm - I found The Nightmare Before Christmas on the TV so watched that.  I half love and am half terrified by this film, so I was hoping the boy would come home before the most scary bit (with Mr Oogie Boogie) but he didn't, so I had to look at the Christmas tree and think nice thoughts when he came on!

Photo an hour.

I stopped taking photos here, because I had a little lie down on the sofa then went to bed!

I quite like days like this, where I don't do very much, but they're not very exciting to photograph!  I get back from work after 7pm on a Friday, then if I'm working Saturday it's an up-earlier-than-usual bus ride away, so I'm usually pretty sleepy on Saturday afternoons if I've been working in the morning.  Add in an hours wait for a bus in the cold and I really wasn't going to move again once I got home!  

Did you take part this month?


  1. Good crisp choice! I love MIC. x

    1. I love McCoys and MIC :) We obviously have good taste!

  2. I struggled with taking photographs yesterday because it never really got light - just dark grey to light grey to dark grey to black.

  3. I was at my mother in laws, just got back a couple of hours. I started taking pictures but stopped at some point (my day was a bit uneventful and uninteresting to be honest and her house is dark), it was good to see her though - will post them tomorrow. When I wait for the bus and its late, its not nice sometimes, and made worse when you get horrid kids. So i hope your okay, it can be unpleasant. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a good 2016 x

    1. Thank you Shaheen, I am ok, I just gave those naughty boys my est glare until they went away! Merry Christmas to you too and I hope 2016 brings you all good things :) xxx

  4. Waiting for the buss in the cold... this seems to be my story too these days, with traffic and fog and holidays craziness... The blouse you found has such nice colors!

    1. It's often my story, and the buses are so often late these days, I try to think of it as time to sit and relax while waiting (but it doesn't work very well when it's freezing cold!)

  5. Sorry, it's catching up on commenting here- I find it harder with the people I follow via Bloglovin as opposed to GFC because you don't always pop up in my daily Bloglovin emails so I don't go to the actual bloglovin page to check on everyone! This looks a good day- what an idiot that child was- so rude! I love the blouse too and we've all eaten dinners like that- that's what I do when my husband isnt home for dinner!x

    1. My friend calls that kind of dinner 'oven fruits', we have oven fruits far too often in our household!

  6. Love the first photo...beautiful light:)


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