
Sunday 3 January 2016

Easy green actions and articles, January 2016.

Here's this month's round up of easy eco-friendly actions and articles. #eco #ukblogger #greenblogger

Here's this month's round up of easy eco-friendly actions and articles,

Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have joined together to create a petition asking the government to invest in more protection against flooding

"It’s clear that climate change is making our weather more severe: there's only so many times politicians can call rainfall "unprecedented" and not see the bigger picture of climate change.
But the Government isn’t investing enough in flood defences, isn’t planning properly for extreme climate change and is keeping us hooked on climate-changing fossil fuels."

Make a green heart to show your love of the planet and your support for climate action, as part of the Climate Coalition's Valentines day campaign.

Here's this month's round up of easy eco-friendly actions and articles. #eco #ukblogger #greenblogger

Sign Sum of Us' petition to say no thanks to the TTP deal.

I would LOVE to live in this vertical forest apartment block in Italy.

Here's this months round up of easy eco-friendly actions and articles. #eco #ukblogger #greenblogger

Sign this online petition to ban microbeads in the UK.

If you fancy going vegan this January then check out Veganuary.

" There are so many reasons people decide to try vegan.  For most, a love of animals is the catalyst. Some people want to feel better about themselves and the impact they make on the world. Others would like to set themselves a challenge, and many combine Veganuary with their ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and see trying vegan as the healthiest start to the year. Whatever your reason, we’re here to support you.  So try vegan for a month and discover a whole new world of taste and flavour. We guarantee that, by the end of the January, you’ll feel fantastic!"


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I've eaten a vegan diet for the last 9 years and was vegetarian for 11 years before that :D


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