
Saturday 9 January 2016

I found it by the bins #2.

Bird garland rescued from a bin! #ecoblogger #greenblogger #secondhand

Bird garland rescued from a bin! #ecoblogger #greenblogger #secondhand
You can often find me wombling*.  A great place for finding rescue-able items was the communal bin area by my old block of flats, and that's where I found this pretty bird garland.  It was soaking wet when I found it, as it was raining pretty hard, but a bit of a clean and a dry later it looks good as new.  I think it looks lovely in my hallway.

Check out my other bin finds!

Do you womble?

*Definition of wombling:
"Collecting things out of skips, bins, abandoned flats and rubbish tips which can be put to good use. Named after the Wombles kids TV show, where the Wombles recycled things other people threw away. "


  1. What a waste of a perfectly good garland! Its so pretty too. I hate how wasteful people have become so I womble too, I once found someone had put out a little round table for the bins, there was nothing wrong with it so I knocked on the door and asked if i could have it. It now does a smashing job of holding my hubby's coffee and pens and pencils :)
    Their loss Is our gain haha :) xx

    1. It is our gain, but it's also so wasteful when lots of easy ways to give your stuff away. I'm glad you gave that table a new home :D

  2. Well done...looks really pretty! Lucky Sussie:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I womble too! We have a 'wombled' elephant mobile made the same way as your little birds, that velour/gold ribbon combo - very fond of it :)

    1. That's a lucky find, but why are people putting their velveteen animal mobiles in the bin!!??

  5. It's lovely!!!! I never chuck things away without asking a whole range of people if they want it! On Friday, I culled a load of stuff from my cupboard at school, most of which went to the Afterschool club who said, "Yay, we'll have anything you're chucking out!"

    1. I tend to take my stuff to the charity shop, or craft stuff to my Rainbow guides unit, but I never ever throw anything useful out! Glad your cupboard cullings found a new home! :D

  6. What an awesome find. I have something similar from my student days that are little fishes, with a bell designed to be near a door. I hardly use it now.

    1. I like the sound of your fish one, I have quite a collection of dangly mobiles with bells on (felt balls, moons and stars, birds, various animals) so this find fits right in!


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