
Monday 18 January 2016

Photo an hour, January 2016.

The day set for this month's photo an hour was Saturday 16th January, and I posted my photos on Instagram throughout the day.

Photo an hour is organised by Jane and Louisa and you can find round up posts on both of their blogs.

Here's my day,
8am - It's a frosty morning.
Photo an hour, January 2016.
9am - my slippy walk to work!

Photo an hour, January 2016.

1pm - Part of a poem printed on the path on my way into work.  I didn't take any photos in the library today, we learned 2 weeks ago that the council's proposed response to government cuts could mean closing this branch, I was too sad to take pictures.  

Photo an hour, January 2016.

2pm - slightly more cheerful, I can never resist the charity shops on my way home.

Photo an hour, January 2016.

3pm - Fleecy nightie is on, fleecy blanket is on, yummy mini spring rolls have been cooked for me and are being consumed.

Photo an hour, January 2016.

4pm & 5pm -  I was having a little snooze on the sofa!

6pm - I woke up to find a programme about The Gladiators was on the telly.

Photo an hour, January 2016.

7pm - I'm doing an online course in business and administration, my next assessment is due on the 19th, I have left it to the last minute to do!

Photo an hour, January 2016.

8pm - Still doing my boring coursework, under 2 blankets because it's soo cold and with some much needed motivational chocolate!

Photo an hour, January 2016.

9pmMy gorgeous husband-to-be came home from work with a bag of chips to share from the Chinese.  By this point I was distracting myself from coursework by looking at things to do on our honeymoon, we think we're going to go to Aberdovey.  (what do people call their fiances?  I think the word fiance is soo cringey!)

Photo an hour, January 2016.

That was my day!  

Did you join in this month, let me know I'd love to see!


  1. That's awful news about your library, I'm so sorry. It makes me furious that, thanks to so-called austerity, your community stands to lose such a vital resource and, of course, that it may impact on your job.

    1. Thank you, a lot of our branches are in poorer areas and it'll be such a shame for the public to lose them :(

  2. That little deer ornament is so lovely! I agree with fiance being super cringey, I never know how to refer to my husband-to-be either! There should definitely be a better word for this.

    1. There should be a better word, I've seen GIM (Guy/Girl I'm marrying) which I quite like but I'm not sure how it'd work in real life, people'd probably think my fiance's name was Jim!

  3. Oh no, I hate that 'not-sure-if-your-job-is-coming-or-going' feeling - fingers crossed you it works out for you. I never call my other half anything but by his name, before we married or after. He is called 'Himself' on my blog coz he wanted to remain anonymous. I have been known to describe him as 'my man' but only with people who already know him.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes :)

      I usually call Joe 'my boy' or 'my Joe', I might just skip the whole calling him a fiance thing, we've booked our wedding for May so he won't be my fiance for long anyway!

  4. So sorry to hear your bad news.I hope it all works out for you.Where i work( in a supermarket) has had a few close shaves.But were still hanging in there. I must admit i dont go in my local librarye enough...though i have been today anf rented some films.Sounds like you have a nice guy there.x

    1. Thank you, I think it's pretty precarious in a lot of jobs at the moment, it's sad.

      I do have a very nice guy, he feeds me well! :D

  5. Oh no! That's terrible! They tried to close my local library but we did a petition of over 42000, so they didn't. Your springrolls sound lovely, mmmmm!!!x

  6. ....and GLADIATORS! I loved it!

    1. I hope someone starts a nice petition like that for our library!

      We're addicted to those spring rolls, they're £1 for a pack of 16 in Iceland, we can't stop eating them!

  7. I started doing Photo an hour, but then realised my day indoors at home was a little dull with cooking in the kitchen mostly, so gave up. Hope the library survives, we have had a few library's threatening to close the doors, but have survived. I use my library on a weekly basis, I would so miss it and support it. Hope things work out, and if not - hope your plans come to fruition. We don't have a word for our husband to be, hence the reason we have adopted fiance. Call him your beau!

    1. My photo an hour days are usually quite boring as they fall on a work day, but I do it anyway!

      Thank you for your kind library wishes, I hope they survive in my area, at least some of them, they're so well used.

      I quite like beau! I'll try that out! :D

  8. Sorry to hear about your library (and job) that really sucks. I don't know how my city library manages to stay open - my city is low income and doesn't have the tax base it probably should and I worry that eventually it'll have to close. Hopefully it doesn't. And I hope things work out for you x

    1. Thank you Rachael, I hope your library stays open too :D

  9. Oh no, I hope they decide not to make all those cuts to the library service. They were going to do something similar here but fortunately have changed their minds for now.

    1. I'm glad your libraries were saved, hope mine are too :D x


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