
Monday 29 February 2016

Things I loved, winter 2016.

This winter I've loved,

ThingThings I loved 2016.  secondhandsusie.blogspot.coms I loved 2016.

Reading - I've been reading the Malory Towers series, I never read them as a child, I liked Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill, but apart from that nothing I've read has really captured my interest, I'm finding most adult fiction too boring, but most YA too kiddy (although I did enjoy a series about a Roller Derby team by Megan Sparks).  Any recommendations?

Learning - I've nearly finished my level 2 in Business and Administration that I'm doing through Vision2Learn (which is government funded so I can do it for free) and I've just started an ECDL, trying to brush up my skills in case my job goes.  I've signed up for Pip Lincolne's Blog with Pip course starting at the end of the month, I've not done a blogging course before but I love Pips books and blog so I'm excited and hoping to pick up some tips.

Home renovating - Our new corner sofa arrived and is SO COMFORTABLE, we got a new rug, and replaced the fridge freezer with a lovely huge one!  Joe has 2 weeks off work at the moment and he and his dad have been getting loads of jobs done.

Things I loved 2016.

Guiding - (I'm a leader at a Rainbow Guides unit, the girls are aged 5 - 7) We've done the Upside Down and Back to Front Challenge badge, we made a pancake breakfast and ate it under the tables with our jumpers on backwards, and we're onto our Recycling badge now which pleases me greatly. 

Watching - My absolute favourite thing we've watched recently has been Freaks and Geeks, I loved it so much!  I've also been watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch, the BBC Merlin series, War and Peace, Agents of Shield and Agent Carter.  We saw Goosebumps at the cinema and have seen Jurassic World too, I loved both way more than I thought I would!

Eating - Chocolate reindeer, pancakes, vegan quorn (oh my goodness, I'm so happy about that!) and paprika pringles.  Dreaming of the day my kitchen will be finished.

Things I loved 2016.

Auntie-ing - My little neice says 'hiya' and it's counterpart 'Bye-a' and also said 'Susie' for the first time which made me so happy, my big niece is utterly clever, she 'writes' now, mostly i and o but I think that's a good start for a 2 year old!

Wedding planning - Joe asked me to marry him on Christmas day and we're getting married in May.  We're having a teeny tiny wedding, but there's still so much to plan.  We've booked the venue and registrar, and the honeymoon, and just have final payments to make and songs and readings to choose.  Phew!  

Things I loved 2016.  secondhandsusie.blogspot.comAdventuring - We did our traditional trip to the German Christmas market in Birmingham, saw a beautiful E.R. Hughes exhibition at BMAG, had nice meals out with my family and Joe's family, I've caught up with a couple of friends and Joe and I have taken to going on funny little 'dates' to the next big town to wander round the shops then eat chips from Burger King, it's not massively exciting but we both like it!

Listening - mostly to my Taylor Swift 1989 CD to be honest.  Shake it off, shake it off...

Gardening - I've mostly been hoeing the weeds out of the gravel driveway all winter, but I'm dreaming of buying a new shed and a mini greenhouse.

Blogging - my top 5 posts this winter have been,

My retro brooch collection (I also wrote an article for with some handy tips for creating a retro brooch collection!),

Things I found by the bins,

Top eco-friendly new years resolution ideas (they're good all year round!),

My tutorial for making a cute Studio Ghibli Soot Sprite from a pompom and a pipecleaner!

And this yummy recipe for vegan pancakes made with buckwheat flour and coconut milk.

How has your winter been?

If you like what you read here please consider following me on social media, Instagram is my new fave!  The links are below.


  1. Congratulations on your impending wedding! Will there be some second hand elements?

    1. Thank you :) The wedding will be as simple as possible, the only things we really need are outfits for me, Joe and my 2 little nieces to be bridesmaids. We're not having a reception, just a meal out at our local curry place and we're traveling to our honeymoon by train, so it'll be pretty eco and simple :)

  2. Congratulations on your engagement!

  3. You love Studio Ghibili??? Did you see my husband bought me Teto from Nausicaa for my birthday! I am totally smitten with him! Loved your posts this winter, some really cool ones!!x

    1. Me & Joe both like Studio Ghibli, I haven't seen Nausicaa yet though, I tend to only watch them when they're on the TV, I did see your cuddly friend though he looks so cute! :D I'll have to wait for Nausicaa to be on TV, or I think we're getting Netflix soon so maybe I can watch it on that :D


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