
Thursday 18 February 2016

Collections, brooches.

I have a lot of collections, so I thought I'd start showing you some of them.  

First off, brooches.  I have a LOT of brooches, retro ones, handmade and charity shopped!  Here are some of them. 

My collection of retro, handmade and charity shop brooches. #brooches #charityshopping #charityshopblog

These are my handmade, by indie designers brooches.  Most of them have come from Lucky Dip Club boxes. I love my Daria and Jane brooches - they were a Christmas present and I wear them with pride!

My collection of retro, handmade and charity shop brooches. #brooches #charityshopping #charityshopblog

I 'specially like animal brooches, so I have loads of those.  The gold one with purple stones was my Great Aunty Lily's and the silver one with aurora borealis stones was my Grandma's so they're pretty special.  The 'Jim and Ida Owen's School of Dancing' one makes me smile too, anther one that belonged to my Grandma. 

My collection of retro, handmade and charity shop brooches. #brooches #charityshopping #charityshopblog

Sadly, my Shakespearean insult badges are too rude to wear to work, but I wear the 'I like big books and I cannot lie' badge quite regularly.

My collection of retro, handmade and charity shop brooches. #brooches #charityshopping #charityshopblog

If you like my brooches you should check out Kezzies, she has so many good ones!

I wrote an article for Barnardo's Charity Shop blog with some top tips for creating a retro brooch collection, don't forget to check it out! 

Do you have any retro collections?

Linking up with Flaunt it Friday, Vintage Charm and Vintage Bliss.


  1. Hah - just spotted your Librarian brooch. The yellow lady bird is my fave here.

    1. I can't wear the Librarian one to work, as I'm not technically a librarian (I haven't done the specific Librarian's degree - my job title is library service and first point officer!) but I enjoy wearing it outside of work :D

  2. Thanks for the shout out! You have such cool ones!!! I keep missing the Lucky dip club sign up, I'd like to join in, the brooches are totally cool!!! I like the Shakespearean insults, v cool!!!Xx

    1. I love lucky dip club, I bought some of the lucky dip club brooches on Ebay as I haven't had all of the boxes!

  3. Sooooo many amazing brooches! I especially love the Daria & Jane ones.

    1. Thank you, I love Daria and Jane, my boy bought them me for Christmas from some nice girls at a craft fair, he was buying me a ball of wool brooch and they talked him into buying Daria by giving him Jane for free!

  4. Adorable brooches! I love the little dear planter just below your brooch display. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm and I hope you will share with us again next week. Pinned and tweeted sb

    1. Thank you, I also collect those little deers (and similar bunnies!) I think I have too many collections!

  5. Love the Shakespeare ones they are just so funny! :D
    Thanks for your comment the other day by the way! For us the first year with baby was quite trying, and I did go out walking with him a lot in the buggy, and nipped into thrifty shops too of course, but in hindsight I should have stayed in a lot more or in cafes and breastfed more. I didn't quite understand that the first 4 months are meant to be spent with as much breastfeeding as possible. Knowing myself, moving about a lot outdoors possibly was a way to help me with stress and the adjusting... still should have stayed in more and not dragged him around shops. But now it's very different, he is bigger, and I changed too! I think taking a long blog break when you have a baby is more than normal. (Hope you don't mind me replying here!) x

    1. Of course I don't mind you replying here and thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me. It's good to know what you've been through and how you've handled it, I can only imagine it's a huge and massive change! Thanks for taking the time to share with me, I really appreciate it :D

  6. Couldn't resist having another look at this! Your Shakespearean insults make me giggle. We were doing planning for Shakespeare week after school tonight and we found this totally cool website which translates into Shakespearean language for you!x

    1. I love 'Thou art a boil' the most! That sounds like a fun website, I wish we were doing something for Shakespeare week at work, but nothing exciting's happening, we've just got some Midsummer Night's Dream colouring pages to give out. That website looks fun, I love a bit of Shakespeare!


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