
Wednesday 30 March 2016

My homegrown harvest, March 2016.

This month's harvest is much like last month's harvest.  But I'm happy with that, it's pretty happy-making to be eating plants I put in the ground last year!

These spring onions were in a pot by the kitchen windowsill, and have been there all winter.  They'd grown so close together they were impossible to pull out, so I had to dig them out in a clump.  They're the nicest, most springiest onions I've ever grown. 

My homegrown garden harvest.  Spring onion, rainbow chard, perpetual spinach and baby onions and garlic.

I'm still eating from my rainbow chard and perpetual spinach patches, I think the plants will need replacing soon so I'll sow some more seed.

My homegrown garden harvest.  Spring onion, rainbow chard, perpetual spinach and baby onions and garlic.

I'm trying to make room in my front garden raised bed to plant some carrots, so I'm thinning the onion and garlic planted there now.

My homegrown garden harvest.  Spring onion, rainbow chard, perpetual spinach and baby onions and garlic.

How's your garden?  Have you been harvesting anything or growing anything happy-making and good?

Joining in with Harvest Monday.


  1. I've harvested rainbow chard and perpetual spinach and white sprouting broccoli - I will share later in the week. I'm going to do some weeding today, and hopefully D will join me at the weekend (weather permitting of course), there is so much to do... I am also going to cut down dead raspberry canes.

    1. White sprouting broccoli sounds exciting! There's a lot to do this time of year isn't there, I'm trying to do 20 minutes or so a day to keep on top of it!

  2. My harvests are similar this time of year, but like you I am very happy to be having them! And those are truly some lovely spring onions. Did you hill up soil around them to get the white part so long, or just plant them deep?

    1. It was neglect, I never thinned them and left them to grow all winter in a big clump and they just did it themselves! Best ones I've ever grown though! :D

  3. impressive! i'd love some rainbow chard but it never grows in the open here...i might try some peas this year, see if they like this climate.

    1. I hope you have lots of luck with your peas! I'm growing some purple peas this year :D


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