
Monday 18 April 2016

Garden, April 2016.

I like April because things start growing!  The garden's full of forget me nots, which are my favourite.  The magnolia is flowering too.

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

The garden's full of squirrels too!  Look at this one, he's so cute!

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

The main excitement this month has been a new fence.  It's been a bit of a pain, because I had to dig up all my plants from the side garden, and the builders have stomped all over the soil and made a muddy mess.  But it looks nice now and we have loads more security and privacy.  These photos show before, during, after and our new gate!  

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

The big old pyracantha fell down when the old fence was removed, and I think it's too heavy to stand up again.  So I'm chopping it down to stumps and if it grows back I'll keep it under control as a small bush.  Think I'll be there for a while chopping it down though!

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

My other most exciting thing this month is that I got a wormery!  Someone very kind gave me one after I posted an ad. on Freegle.  I ordered worms online and they're settling in ok.  I'm so happy to have this, my soil is quite poor and I think the worm compost will really help. This model of worm bin costs £80 which I can't really afford at the moment, so I definitely feel lucky and thankful to the lovely people who passed it on to me.  

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

The front garden raised bed seems to be ok, it's grown a few mushrooms though, as well as the garlic and onions.  I have the supplies ready to fill my second raised bed, I'm just waiting for the mood to do it to strike, then I'll plant my courgettes in it.

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

I have sprouters in the new greenhouse!

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

And I don't want to speak too soon but I think this blueberry might have fruit this year.  

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

Here's the whole garden.  We've had the house a year this month, the garden is so different from what it was, check out last April's garden post to see.

Garden, April 2016. #ukgardener #gardenblogger

How are your gardens this month?

I'm trying to spend 20 minutes a day in the garden, and I'm posting about it on Instagram.


  1. It is looking so good! I am so glad you did well with the wormery!!! Very important those wriggly fellows! Ahrghh, I haven't really done ANYTHING with the garden much. We pruned a myriad rose bushes and cut back various shrubs, we dug up one rose bush so we could make a bed for growing veg down the end but that was 2 weeks ago! I've germinated some dwarf beans in a glass on kitchen roll now need to plant them!!! Oooooh, a fox just ran past my window!!!

    1. Wow, a fox that's exciting!! I hope you can make a start on your veg bed soon, growing stuff I can eat is my favourite part of gardening! Pruning and preparing takes time, I have that huge fall-y over bush to prune and I still have half a garden full of weeds that need digging up!


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