
Sunday 24 April 2016

Photo an hour, April 2016.

Photo an hour day was on the 23rd of April this month.

Photo an hour in organised by Jane and Louisa, anyone can join in and post their hourly photos on social media throughout the day tagging them #photoanhour.  Why don't you join in next time?

Here are my photos.

8am - I got up and looked out the window to see what kind of day it was.

9am - It was a beeeautiful day.


10am - I saw a cute little sparrow on the way to work.


1pm - Work had finished and I waited for the bus home in the sunshine (although it was actually a little cold and I wished I wasn't wearing sandals!) 


2pm - I met Joe at the local 3 courses for £7.95 curry place. After our wedding we're going there for a meal with some family and friends so we wanted to check it out.  We will be married by this time in 3 weeks!


3pm - Charity shopping.  That teapot with the bow tie and belly button freaks me out!


4pm - I bought a clematis on my way home, but I put off planting it as it was supposed to be snowy overnight!


5pm - Online chatting with my friend, she has just been offered a place on a masters course in Norway - woohoo!


6pm - Joe needed a nap before his late shift.  I needed a nap because nap.


7pm - Watching the end of Hotel Transylvania.


8pm - Doing some of my 'Blog with Pip' course and watching My Stepmother is an Alien in the background.


9pm - I always feel the end of photo an hour days are just me showing you what I'm watching on the telly - I'm not really one for nighttime outings!  By now I was re-watching Girls and practising some drawing. 


11pm - Book and bed.


Did you join in this month?  Let me know I'd love to see!  




  1. I saw the e mail to join in, but my day was one of house -cleaning - not very exciting so I gave it a miss. Always like to have a nosy at what you are doing. Yes, indeed it was a BEAUTIFUL day, yes that teapot is creepy, I do like the dragon one next to it though.

    3 weeks to becoming a MRS - Wow, butterflies in your belly?

    1. I take part even if my day has been boring, as I'm sure you've noticed!

      I like the squirrel on a log teapot, but the dragon one is cool too!

      I have stress in my belly more like, I don't know why because everything is tiny and low key and all planned, but I feel a bit stressed about the whole wedding thing! I'm definitely looking forward to the marriage bit and a nice chilled out honeymoon by the sea :D


Thanks for visiting!

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