
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Easy eco articles and actions, May 2016.

Easy green actions and articles, May 2016.

Here's this month's round up of eco friendly actions and articles,

I Love Emma and Sophie Thompson's Bake Off themed protest against fracking in Lancashire.  Check it out and complete the online action to protect Lancashire from fracking on Greenpeace's website.

Easy green actions and articles, May 2016.
Photo from

If you like eating delicious vegetarian food and want to eat more then sign up to Friend's of the Earth's Meat Free May challenge.

The scientific evidence that pesticides - known as neonicotinoids - are dangerous for bees is overwhelming.  But despite this our government agreed to let some British farmers use them last autumn.
And right now an application has been made to allow them to be used again this year.
We need to stop this happening.

The soil association says bees are picking up more neonicotinoids absorbed by the wildflowers planted on farms to 'help' them, than they are from pesticide sprayed crops.  This is not good.  Use Friends of the Earth's online form to ask your MP to back the ban on neonics.   

Easy green actions and articles, May 2016.

I love this list of 8 ways to have a no waste day from Mind Body Green.

Linda McCartney sausage have been the only meat alternative I can eat for the last decade, because they're vegan and soya free. Until now, they've changed the recipe and now they're made of soya! I'm so sad, please sign the petition to ask for them to be de-soya-fied.

It's national hedgehog awareness week.  I like hedgehogs so much that as a child I formed a hedgehog club, I was the leader and our headquarters was the garden shed.  The real hedgehog society have some tips for you on protecting hedgehogs.

If you have an eco friendly or green living blog post or article you'd like to submit for next month's round up email it to me at 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Susie! I think I've signed some already but off to do the petitions!


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