
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Photo an hour, May 2016.


I'm back after lots of weddingness and holidayness and a bit of much needed relaxingness.

And Saturday the 21st was photo an hour day, so here are my photos.

Photo an hour in organised by Jane and Louisa, anyone can join in and post their hourly photos on social media throughout the day tagging them #photoanhour.  Why don't you join in next time?

8am - these lovely rainbow-y tulips were a nice thing to look at while I ate my breakfast.

Photo an hour May 2016.

9am - my journey to work.  Didn't really want to go back to work after a week off! 

Photo an hour May 2016.

10am - however, when I got to work this little message in our keep-in-touch book made me giggle.

Photo an hour May 2016.

11am, 12pm, 1pm - no photos here, I was at work and it was super busy!

2pm - glad to be home after a busy morning and getting drenched in a downpour.  The postman bought a lego alien (I order minifigs on Ebay so I know what I'm getting), he's to keep Buzz Lightyear company.

Photo an hour May 2016.

3pm - this text was exciting because it meant food was on it's way, the delivery was only 50p and because they used my new name! 

Photo an hour May 2016.

4pm - making lists and writing thank you cards.

Photo an hour May 2016.

5pm - the house was a complete mess (it still is!), but I was avoiding tidying and watching Last Man on Earth.

Photo an hour May 2016.

6pm - I was going to take a photo of my dinner, but I forgot and ate it all before I got a chance.

Photo an hour May 2016.

7pm - I think for the first time in all my photo an hour posts I was going out on a Saturday night, so I had to choose something to wear.

Photo an hour May 2016.

8pm - this was my outfit (scuse clothes strewn everywhere, see 5pm, refusal to tidy).

Photo an hour May 2016.

9pm - at the pub, we went to see a ska gig.

Photo an hour May 2016.

10pm - I've missed an hour here!

11pm - moon on the walk home.  I was glad to be going home, I don't drink or dance where other people can see me dance and it was waay past my bedtime.

Photo an hour May 2016.

12pm - midnight snack, I'm addicted to these Herby Bread Baskets!

Photo an hour May 2016.

This time last year I was watching Eurovision at my mums house

Did you join in this month?   Let me know if you did, I'd love to have a nosey at your day!



  1. 11pm is also way past my bedtime! Case in point: one of my favourite bands is playing in Leicester tonight and I am not going because it finishes too late (also because no-one will go with me). Teenage me would be disgusted with 30s me.

    1. My teenage self would feel similarly, I may not be asleep by 11pm but I'm definitely thinking about bed and book by that time! When will afternoon gigs become a thing?!

  2. Welcome back and congratulations Mr and Mrs Evans, you have been missed. Look forward to reading and learning more about your wedding day and non traditional wedding dress!!!

  3. Congratulations and welcome back to blog land :)


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