
Sunday 12 June 2016

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.

Mint is one of my favourite things to grow and luckily it's really easy to grow your own from a few cuttings.  

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.

First cut a couple of sprigs of mint, strip the leaves off the bottoms of the stems leaving just the very top ones.  If you don't have your own mint plants, see if a friend will give you a couple of mint cuttings.

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.

Pop the mint stalks into a vase of water, and wait for roots to appear.  It takes a week or so for the mint cuttings to root.

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.

Fill a plant pot with peat free soil and use a dibber to poke some holes for your new mint plants to go in.  Put the plant-lets in the holes, being careful and gentle with the roots, then fill in with extra soil and firm down.

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.

That's it, your mint cuttings have become plants, make sure you keep them watered while they're settling in and unless you want a garden full of mint, grow the plants in pots or containers!

How to grow your own mint from cuttings.
What's your favourite way to use mint?  I like mint tea, but I mostly like the smell of it wafting around the garden.



  1. That's great!!! My own mint plant originally was a cutting my Mum took from a Mint plant in Aldeburgh, Suffolk on the beach I think!!! She took a leaf or two like this and kept them in wet tissue on the way home and then she did this. She has a fine bush which she took a cutting from which is thriving in my garden now! She also did this with a bit of a cactus that had fallen off a plant in Lanzarote!!

    1. My mum and I frequently do this when we're on days out, or walking past someone's garden with a tempting looking plant flopping over the wall, our gardens are full of 'borrowed' plants!

  2. My mint sadly didn't survive the winter (not sure why) so I will be doing this very shortly. I love mint in my homemade falafel

    1. My mint usually dies down over winter but pops back up again in spring, but have had a couple of plants die when the weather's been really soggy!

  3. Brilliant, I never knew that. I have great propagations plans this year!! Have you any tips for Sage and Lavender?!

    1. The easiest way is tu just snip off a healthy bit of sage or lavender, strip the bottom leaves, pop in a pot with some soil and water it, they should have rooted in a couple of months (although not all will root, do 5 or 6 cuttings per pot, some should work!), I have some going at the moment but can't tell if it's worked yet!


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