
Friday 29 July 2016

My suburban garden harvest, July 2016.

I've had loads and loads of little handfuls of strawberries from the garden this month - mostly beating the birds to them! 

2016. #garden #harvest #growyourown #gardenblogger

2016. #garden #harvest #growyourown #gardenblogger

And I managed to grow some exciting miniature onions!  They're leeks gone wrong, I planted the seed last autumn direct into my front garden raised bed, but they didn't really grow.  I dug up what was there to make room and found these cute little onions.  I ate them raw and they were surprisingly hard!  Probably not an experience I'll repeat! 

2016. #garden #harvest #growyourown #gardenblogger

I've also harvested some red spring onions from one of the pots either side of our front door.  I planted them last year too, they were sold as spring onions but they've actually formed tiny bulbs with papery skin and everything.  They taste fine but they're really fiddly to slice, so I probably won't buy any more of this kind of seed!  They were nice in a Thai noodle stir fry though.

2016. #garden #harvest #growyourown #gardenblogger

2016. #garden #harvest #growyourown #gardenblogger

I've also had a few raspberries, but they get eaten before I have time to get my camera out!

What have you been harvesting from your garden this month? 
Have you had your first tomato yet?  We're still waiting!! 

Don't forget to check out my Instagram account for lots of garden-y stuff every week!


  1. Our first tomato turned yellow earlier this week! I had leek failure last year, they looked amazing, had a lovely amount of white and all the good stuff but they were inedible, so woody, I was very disappointed.

    Stir fries are very popular here at the moment, yours looks very nice indeed.

    1. Yey for yellow tomatoes! Hope it's ripe soon! Shame about your leeks, at least they sound bigger than mine got!! :)

  2. Much better than what I managed! I got a few chilli peppers and that's it this month, my tomatoes didn't fruit at all </3

    1. Aww no, there's still time for your tomatoes maybe, mine have been very late to flower this year!

  3. I bet those strawberries are deliciously sweet. Nothing edible growing here unfortunately. Maybe next year. X

  4. OOooh, I am loving this!!! Annoyingly, there were 3 strawberries on the cusp of being ready to pick as I left for France but weren't ready so I let my Mum eat them who was coming midweek to water!!! I have embryo cucumbers on my er- cucumber plants and there are loads of mini-cherry tomatoes on the myriad tomato plants. Nothing else really although the leeks have had a growth spurt since I went away but they won't be ready till Autum!Nx

  5. I think its a good harvest, I have no more strawberries, but the raspberries are coming along and blueberries, though i have to compete with the birds to get to them first :)

    1. That was the last of my strawberries, but I too have blueberries, hope I beat the birds too! :)


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