
Friday 1 July 2016

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016.

Things are getting proper exciting in the garden now! 

I had home grown potatoes!!  I planted two lots of two 'casablanca' seed potatoes in pots in March.  The plants died back and went yellow which I took as a sign that I should probably harvest the potatoes.  I don't have room to grow potatoes in the ground, I just wanted to do a few in pots to give me a couple of meals worth of yummy new potatoes.  And that's exactly what I got.  These went from pot to plate in about 20 minutes and they were perfect! 

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

There are loads and loads and loads of strawberries in the garden!  I've picked these ones slightly unripe because the blackbirds like strawberries too, and I don't mind a bit of sharing but so far they've eaten them all!  I'm ripening these ones on the windowsill.

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

I read somewhere that if you don't cut your autumn fruiting raspberries back the old canes will fruit again the following summer.  This is true, my 'Autumn Bliss' are giving me some summer bliss right now.  Same story with the blackbirds and windowsill.  (Actually, does anyone know if raspberries will ripen on a windowsill, or do they need to stay on the plant to achieve their proper level of juiciness?!)

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

This is the last of my rainbow swiss chard, I've pulled the plants up now cos they'd gone all bolt-y.  I've planted flamingo pink chard and perpetual spinach to replace it.

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

I'm still pulling onions and garlic from the front garden raised bed.  The onions are small, but perfectly formed, we've enjoyed the wet garlic and it's exciting now it's forming into proper cloves and bulbs.

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

My suburban garden harvest, June 2016. Potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, onions and garlic.

What have you been digging up, picking and scoffing?  I hope your gardens have been giving you lots of yummy things this month! 

Don't forget to check out my Instagram account for lots of garden-y stuff every week!

Joining in with Harvest Mondays.


  1. Same old story with my garden, everything has drowned again because of the deluges. The only things I can grow and enjoy are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries and blueberries - all fruity stuff obviously. The blueberries, strawberries and gooseberries still have to be grown in pots or they would drown too.

    1. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that, at least you have fruit! :)

  2. Looking good! Due to all the regular deluges we have here in the north - I have resorted to growing salad crops and tomatoes in the greenhouse - so far so good!

    1. Glad they're going well! We've had plenty of rain too but the garden hasn't suffered too much (apart from it's encouraging all the weeds to grow!!)

  3. Your potatoes look so good, freshly dug they're so delicious. That's too bad about the blackbirds eating all your fruit, maybe a floating row cover would protect the strawberry plants while still letting light in.

    1. Hi Phuong :) I grow in a kind of polyculture, so everything is mixed up, or in little patches, which makes it difficult to cover! I don't mind sharing a little bit, I do keep chasing birds off though!

  4. Ooh, fresh dug potatoes are so good! Too bad about the strawberries though.

    1. They're the best, the strawberries are good too, I've beaten the birds to most of them!

  5. You have reminded me that I need to sow some chard seeds this weekend, I love growing, seeing and eating them - like you I too have been harvesting strawberries a little unripe as the pests - bugs are getting this year, not so much the birds.

    1. I'm competing with slugs for the strawbs too, they're everywhere this year! argh!

  6. SOOOO exciting! I love how well your garden is doing!!!!
    I'm so annoyed! I didn't water my runner beans for a week and now they've all shrivelled up and died.. :-(

    1. Aww thanks Kezzie! Sorry about your runner beans, is there still time to plant more? x


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