
Wednesday 10 August 2016

What do vegans eat?

When people find out I'm vegan they always ask me what I eat.  So here are some of the vegan meals, treats and snacks I've been eating lately,

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog

Linda McCartney vegetarian burgers.  We've been eating lots of these vegan friendly burgers as you can currently pick them up from our local Heron Foods shop for £1 per pack of four.  They're yummy and taste quite realistically meaty.  The real star of this plate is the corn on the cob, I roasted it with vegan margarine, olive oil and a little salt and it was so delicious!

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog

Biona organic mini fruit bears.   I love these vegan gummy bears!  They're fruity and chewy, just as you would expect them to be!

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog

Tiger rice cakes with dark chocolate.  These vegan chocolate rice cakes from Tiger are nice.  I've never been tempted to try them before (I'd rather save my chocolately calories for a biscuit to be honest!) but I'd be happy to eat them again.

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog

Morrisons zesty lemon sorbet.  This sorbet is really zesty, so you only need a small serving!  Lovely and cold and refreshing on these hot sticky days we've been having! 

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog

Marks and Spencers iced spiced bun.  I rarely go past a M&S without popping in to buy some of these buns.  The icing is thick and sweet and the bun is soft and fruity and they're my favourites! 

Check out my other vegan food posts for more vegan friendly inspiration!

What do vegans eat? Vegan meal and snack ideas and inspiration. #vegan #whatveganseat #veganblog
(Please note - these products are vegan as far as I can tell - items have suitable for vegetarians or vegan labeling, no dairy/eggs in the allergy section and the ingredients list contains no animal ingredients that I can see, please remember recipes sometimes change, please check for yourself if you're in any doubt.)


  1. I love those iced and spiced buns!

  2. I've never seen those iced buns before, they look amazing!! There's no M&S close to me but I might make a trip especially just for those <3

    1. You should! I've usually eaten my buns on the bus home - I can never wait!

  3. Oh I love the Linda McCartney range. I can only get a few of her items here in Belgium (from the British store no less) and have really enjoyed the ones we've tried. We've had the sausages, the sausage rolls and the pies. In fact, this weekend I'm off to buy some pies because I really fancy some pie and chips and gravy.

    I haven't had sorbet in ages! I like to just make my own ice cream with frozen bananas, that saves any label reading in the shop. Plus, non dairy ice cream here is so expensive!

    I'm quite partial to the Moo Free chocolate, that's a favourite vegan item of mine!

    ~ K

    1. Ohh the Linda McCartney sausage rolls are amazing! I don't buy them often because I want to eat them all in one go!

      I love Moo free too, the honeycomb one is so good - I missed crunchies before I could get bunnycomb bars! :D

  4. Oh I wish we had Marks and Spenser here in Australia!

  5. Iced Spiced buns sound delicious.

  6. Too close to dinner time- this post is making me hungry! MMM. I'm not vegan but I like to eat vegetarian quite often. I went full pescatarian for a year but I was always hungry. Now I'm married to the son of a cattle farmer so all he wants to eat is meat. I sneak in quite a few veggie dinners though and don't hear any complaints. ;)

    1. My husband's a meat eater, but he doesn't tend to eat meat in the house only when we eat out, he definitely doesn't complain about eating veggie though! :)

  7. Love these posts - I'm not vegan but I'm trying to cut down on the amount of animal products I eat, so I love tips like this. I'm not keen on a lot of meat substitutes but I'll see if I can give those burgers a try.

    1. I've forgotten what meat actually tastes like, so I never know if meat substitutes are close or not, but my husband's a meat eater and happily eats those Linda McCartney burgers, and the vegan quorn ones, so they can't be too bad! :)

  8. I ADORE those burgers!!!!


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