
Tuesday 17 January 2017

Make one small change - freeze your sauce to stop food waste.

Making one small change at a time can make becoming eco friendly loads easier.  Lots of small changes add up to a big difference.

Make one small change - freeze your sauce to stop food waste. By eco friendly blogger #ecofriendly #smallchanges #foodwaste

There's this one jar of sauce we keep in our fridge, we open it up, use it once or twice and before we know it, it's gone mouldy.  Because it's super spicy (it's Thai red curry paste, btw) we only use a teaspoon each time and we can't seem to get through it before it goes green and fluffy.  But not any more, I've worked out the easiest method to freeze the sauce into invidual portions, so no more wasting perfectly good sauce!

You just pour the sauce into a container (I used a little roasting tray, but you could use a pyrex dish or something similar) and put it in the freezer overnight.  Take it out the next day and cut the frozen sauce into whatever size is the correct portion size for you.  Pop the sauce portions into jars and store in the freezer, ready to chip out a block or two when you need it.  

Don't forget to check out my other small changes to help you live a greener life!



  1. what a good idea. I am going to do this next time I buy some curry paste as I hate throwing most of it away! x

  2. You can also pour left over sauces into an icecube tray and freeze them, then just pop them out when you need them.

    1. Oh yes, I've seen that idea too, tis a good one but I didn't want to stain my ie cube tray with the curry paste, it's quite pungent stuff!

  3. This is genius! I couldn't even tell you how old some of the sauces in our fridge are!

    1. Thanks :) We have a similar situation but I'm trying to rectify it!

  4. This is a super idea!!! Mind you, the Thai curry paste I buy seems to last infinitely. My friend Rach, who introduced me to Thai Green curry (and, incidently, blogging) makes her own curry paste up from the herbs and she freezes it into ice cube trays and pops one into the pan when making it. Similar idea to yours eh?x

    1. I'd love to make my own Thai curry paste..maybe one day when I'm organised enough to buy all those ingredients!!

  5. This is a good idea! I'll have to see what I can do with with. Thanks for sharing on the Waste Less Wednesday Blog Hop!

  6. This is flipping genius! We always have the same thing happen with Thai curry paste. Also random half-full cartons of tomato passata. Totally going to get freezing now.


    1. Sorry if this is a repeat of my earlier attempt to make a suggestion. If you turn an opened jar of pesto upside down to store in the fridge (I put mine in a little bowl just in case there is a bit of leakage) it stays as fresh as a daisy! This is one of the best tips I have ever read (can't remember where) as I've thrown out countless 1/2 full but furry jars of pesto. I bet it works with other pastes too. If it's a bit thick I'll thin it with a bit of EVOO which helps to eek it out a bit as an added bonus. I think the logic is to keep the air out. I have frozen pesto in ice cube trays but out of sight is out of mind and I've ended up putting frozen pesto in my hot pasta:-O

    2. Oo I've not heard that tip before, thank you it's a good one!


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