
Tuesday 10 January 2017

What I've been reading.

Here's what I've been reading recently, lovely library books and some second hand finds too,

Book reivews by UK blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #librarybooks

Doctor Who Time Lord Fairy Tales
This book has the most gorgeous illustrations and it looks beautiful on the shelf.  The stories are quite simply told, in the same style as fairy tales, so it's best to leave any literary expectations aside and imagine baby Time Lords being told these stories.  I especially liked the story of Cinderella and the Magic Box and the Three Little Sontarans.

Book reivews by UK blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #librarybooks

Sofia Khan is Not Obliged - Ayisha Malik
This is a typical chick lit, rom-com, but with a twist as the main character is a strict British Muslim and the focus is on her love life.  I don't think this was a brilliantly written book, but I got into it and it was a really interesting insight into Muslim culture, which it turns out I know little about despite living in an area with a huge Muslim community.  It's nice to learn something. 

Book reivews by UK blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #librarybooks

The Treasure Hunters - Enid Blyton
I picked up this 1960s edition of The Treasure Hunters for 20p in a charity shop.  It's not an Enid Blyton story I've read before and it was a nice comfort read, full of adventure, picnics, and a naughty dog.  I was mostly attracted to it because it looks like it's been printed in a proper printing press, and by the cute, retro illustrations.

Book reivews by UK blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #librarybooks

The Girls - Emma Cline
Evie's boring summer is dramatically turned around when she gets involved with a cult, implicated in an infamous murder.  It's set in 1969, all hippies and living in a commune, but The Girls gives a deeper look at the dysfunction rife in that kind of living arrangement.  It's told from the present day, with a grown up Evie looking back on her youth.  Although I've never lived in a commune, I did find a lot of Evie's thoughts relatable and familiar to my own as a teen and as a woman.

Book reivews by UK blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #librarybooks

Vinegar Girl - Anne Tyler
The Hogarth Shakespeare series sees popular authors updating Shakespearian plays.  Vinegar Girl is Anne Tyler's version of The Taming of the Shrew.  This is the first book I've read by her and I thought it was just OK, easy to read and quite sweet, it shows a different imagining of the story and is less extreme than the play, or the Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor film.  But to be honest I prefer 10 Things I Hate About You.

What have you been reading?  


  1. As a long-time Anne Tyler fan, I will say that Vinegar Girl isn't really representative of her work (Ladder Of Years and Digging To America are my favourites).

    I would quite like to read The Girls but my library doesn't have it at the moment.

    1. I'm glad to hear there are better Anne Tyler books, I know she's really highly rated, perhaps I'll try another sometime :D

  2. I read Vinegar Girl over Christmas, and while I enjoyed it, I agree that 10 Things I Hate About You was better. But then, it does have 2 of my celebrity crushes! Vinegar Girl made me laugh, but I wasn't fully won over by the characters.

    I love the sound of Doctor Who Fairy Tales!

    1. Oh yeah, I definitely watch 10 Things for Heath Ledger (RIP..sob) :D

  3. I'd like to read the Tjmelord fairy tales!


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