
Friday 5 May 2017

Easy eco friendly actions and articles.

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better place,  

Sign Friends of the Earth's petition asking fracking company Caudrilla to stop breaking the law.

photo via Story of Stuff

Ask clothing companies to take responsibility for microfibre pollution

This guy got his community together to make the first carbon neutral village.

Sign this petition for a EU-wide ban on glyphosate.  38 Degrees have a petition going to keep the ban on bee killing pesticides too.

photo via Friends of the Earth

This article suggests that shop bought bee friendly plants are poisoning bees (if they're grown using pesticides).  I'm now growing from seed, saving seed, taking cuttings, and generally scrounging plants instead of buying as far as I can.

I like the idea of a walking city.

Peat is in so many gardening products, and it's super bad for the environment.  Sign Friends of the Earth's petition to protect British peatlands.  I buy my organic, peat free compost from Wilkos by the way. 

photo via Upworthy

Lego is looking into ways to make eco friendly lego!  We love lego in this household so this is very exciting! 

I post these kinds of things on twitter all month, so find me there if this is your kind of thing too!



  1. As always Susie, there is a lot in here that is really useful to know about and to be able to sign up for and back!Thanks!x


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