
Friday 16 June 2017

Charity shopping.

Going on holiday means new and different charity shops to explore!  

Charity shopping. From UK charity shop blogger, Featuring retro bedding, pyre and Sylvac pottery. #charityshopping

I couldn't walk past this pair of retro pillowcases!
Retro pillowcases, £1.49, Aberystwyth charity shop (can't remember which one!).

Charity shopping. From UK charity shop blogger, Featuring retro bedding, pyre and Sylvac pottery. #charityshopping

Joe spotted this cute little mirror for me when he was rooting through a basket of stuff.  It was 10p!  10p!!!
Retro Holly Hobby-esque mirror, 10p, CRAFT second hand shop, Aberystwyth.

And that's all I bought on my holidays, I'm trying to cut down on my spending and the amount of stuff we have in this house (which is way too much!).  But that didn't stop me from having a little look in the charity shops at home too,

Charity shopping. From UK charity shop blogger, Featuring retro bedding, pyre and Sylvac pottery. #charityshopping

For some reason this was in the children's section of the shop, which is wrong, because it's for me! 
Wooden necklace, 25p, local Cottage Hospice charity shop. 

Charity shopping. From UK charity shop blogger, Featuring retro bedding, pyre and Sylvac pottery. #charityshopping

If I see a big, cheap, pretty dish I usually buy it to use in my greenhouse or conservatory to grow my seeds in.  There's no need for ugly, plasticy plant growing in my life!
Pyrex dish, £1, local Salvation Army charity shop.

Charity shopping. From UK charity shop blogger, Featuring retro bedding, pyre and Sylvac pottery. #charityshopping

So, I'll admit to not really knowing what this is intended to be.  A big serving dish, a planter?  I think we all know it's going to become a planter.  I can't find any info on it online, or anything or a smiliar size (it's at least a foot long!), but it's Sylvac and it was relatively cheap and so fifties looking I had to lug it home with me. 
Sylvac big dish, marked 3817, £8, local Shelter charity shop.

Have you had any luck in the charity shops lately?
P.S. Check out my other charity shop posts for more!  


  1. I intend to go on a charity shop browse the next time I go into town, which isn't very often but I need to buy some wool and, of course, the cotton buds you recommended.
    I love what you've bought, especially the necklace. X

  2. I bought myself a stack of bangles from Cottage Care when I was in your neck of the woods last week, I'd have snapped up those beads too if I'd seen them.
    Love your Sylvac planter and those St Michael pillow cases - they'd make a great tote bag. xxx

    1. I love cottage care, it's a proper old school charity shop!

  3. I say this every time you post charity shop hauls, but I'm so envious of your good luck with vintage bed linens and fabric!

    1. I do have good luck, and I leave behind more than I buy (because I have no room for more!!)

  4. I love that last dish, reminds me of the walls of the house I lived in growing up! :)

  5. The idea of using old serving dishes is genius!


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