
Tuesday 1 August 2017

What I ate in a day, a day of yummy vegan meals.

This is what I ate on a lazy day at home,

Breakfast was a toasted sesame seed bagel, filled with a Linda McCartney sausage and ketchup - and it was really yummy!  Orange juice and strawberries on the side for fruity healthiness too.

What I ate in a day, a day of yummy vegan meals. By UK vegan blogger #vegan #veganblog #whatIateinaday #ukveganblog

For lunch I had a Brazilian inspired meal.  Herby kidney beans with left over brown rice and a little salad.  I dry fried some sesame seeds to sprinkle over the rice and added a few crisps to my plate.   My friend is married to a Brazilian guy and they lived in Rio for years.  When I visited them I learned that Brazilians sprinkle special little crisps over their rice and beans (and pretty much everything else!).

What I ate in a day, a day of yummy vegan meals. By UK vegan blogger #vegan #veganblog #whatIateinaday #ukveganblog

Tea was Thai noodle stir fry with loads of veg - including a home grown courgette!

What I ate in a day, a day of yummy vegan meals. By UK vegan blogger #vegan #veganblog #whatIateinaday #ukveganblog

I love a crispy snack when I'm watching TV in the evening, so I made my own vegan cheese and onion crisps with a packet of Pom Bears, some nooch and onion powder.

What I ate in a day, a day of yummy vegan meals. By UK vegan blogger #vegan #veganblog #whatIateinaday #ukveganblog

Don't forget to check out my other vegan blog posts for more vegan meal inspiration! 



  1. I think it will be stir fry for us this evening, using the veggies from the garden. X

    1. Sounds good! I'm eating up a lot of my homegrown courgettes in stir fries!

  2. I really want sausage bagel now! I'm not as big a fan of the Linda M sausages since they changed the recipe, though.

    1. No, me neither, and they have soya in now which makes me itch! Nice every now and then though (if I ignore the itchiness!)


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