
Sunday 1 October 2017

My homegrown harvest, September 2017.

I've eaten so many raspberries this month that I've started craving them.  I'm going to be sad when raspberry season is over! 

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

I have about 8 raspberry canes and they've provided more than enough for me and Joe to scoff at least a handful each every other day.

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

I planted a sprouty potato in a pot super late in the season.  The plant died so I tipped the pot out and harvested these 3 nice red potatoes.  They were so yummy!

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

Mini sweetcorn is one of my favourite things to grow.  It's Always over packaged and imported when you buy it in shops, so I grow it myself and have a couple of delicious stir fries every year!

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

This is my first home grown apple.  As you can see I wasn't the first to get to it!  I suspect Mr Squirrel and I am not happy with him!

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

I finally got some salad on the go, I've learned my lesson about being organised with successional sowing for next year.

My homegrown harvest, September 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #organicgarden #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture

How are your gardens?  Are you harvesting anything exciting?



  1. We were getting daily salad up until about a month ago when with a combination of sheer slug power, garden alterations, boots and weather put a stop to that :( My winter veg are growing nicely still (kale etc) but with a rather fetching lace pattern thanks to the caterpillars - sigh....

    1. Ahh naughty things! I have one kale left, it's tiny, and then I found a tiny green caterpillar on it! I've relocated him to a patch of nettles, I'd like the kale to grow please!

  2. What a great harvest! I can't wait to be able to grow a few things when I finally move into my own home (we're renovating it, whilst living with my parents at the moment.) It only had a small garden but I have plans for 2 apple trees and a plum tree and then a few other bits like tomatoes, raspberries - if I can grow those in pots!

    1. That sounds super exciting! I'm sure you can grow raspberries in pots - I wished I'd put mine in pots, they're sending runners all over the garden!

  3. Autumn bearing raspberries are the best thing ever, aren't they? They feel like an extension of summer.

    Do you know what variety of potato those are? I'd like to try growing some red ones next year.

    1. I don't know the variety I'm sorry, it's one that came from the organic food stall on my local market, that went sprouty so I planted it. I've grown red rooster potatoes before and they're quite tasty :)

  4. You got some lovely items in your garden! I feel so guilty about the fruit in my garden- the tree is full of unripe pears and they have all just dropped onto the lawn! Why didn't I just pick them and get on with stewing and freezing the fruit!?!?x

    1. Thank you :)

      Maybe you could think of the fallen fruit as mulch, returning it's goodness to the garden for next year's garden :)


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