
Tuesday 13 February 2018

Easy green articles and actions.

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

Aberporth in Wales has become Wales's first plastic-free community

Sign this petition asking for plastic free teabags!

I always take my reusable bottle out with me, but feel awkward trying to get it refilled, so I'm super happy to hear there'll be free water refill points in every big town and city in the UK in the next couple of years.

"Iceland has become the first major retailer to commit to eliminating plastic packaging for all its own brand products within five years to help end the "scourge" of plastic pollution.  The retailer said it would be replacing plastic with packaging including paper and pulp trays and paper bags, which would be recyclable through domestic waste collections or in-store recycling facilities."   
Iceland supermarket has promised to remove plastic packaging from all it's own brand products by 2023.
Sign Greenpeace's petition asking other UK supermarkets to go plastic free too.  

It's Shrove Tuesday today - try my vegan pancake recipe

Sign this 38 degrees' petition to save a bee and wildlife rich habitat.

via buzzfeed

Read Buzzfeed's 16 reasons to give up plastic straws

I really hope it isn't true that microwaves cause more CO2 emissions than cars, but I'm trying to cut down my microwave use just in case.  If I can remember to get dinner out of the freezer to defrost in the morning, rather than defrost it in the microwave at night, that cuts out most of our microwave useage!

via Vertical Veg

This is an interesting article about community, health and gardening in the city.


  1. I was happy to see that the local "Love My Beach" person is visiting cafes, bars and hotels in my area asking them to put a sticker in their window if they're happy to refill water bottles, it seems to be going quite well.

    1. That sounds like an excellent idea, I wish we had something similar round here.

  2. Love these posts. Have signed the petitions.
    I am dreadful at remembering to defrost food, so I keep a stock of foods that I can cook from frozen in the freezer for when I forget. I'm getting better though!

    1. That's very clever! I tried to do chilli straight from the freezer to the oven last week, it still had ice in it half an hour later! woops!

  3. I love these posts too - it's great to know that positive things are happening!

  4. That flow diagram is hilarious!!!! I've invested in some stainless steel straws because I like to drink juice through one to stop my teeth getting sensitive but I now will not take a plastic one!


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