
Friday 13 April 2018

Easy green actions and articles.

Easy green actions and articles.  From UK eco blogger #ecoblogger #petitions #savetheworld

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

IKEA are launching a vegan hotdog, and I'm excited for it! 

Easy green actions and articles.  From UK eco blogger #ecoblogger #petitions #savetheworld #plasticfreefriday #friendsoftheearth

Friends of the Earth's newest campaign is a challenge to go plastic free on Fridays.  Which I think would be interesting, but also totally hard! 

The government has promised to phase out coal mines by 2025, so it would be stupid to give planning permission for a new one now, in Durham, wouldn't it??  Sign this petition to make sure it doesn't happen.  

Los Angeles-based ‘gangsta gardener’ and community leader Ron Finley is determined to redefine ‘gangsta’ as being about building thriving communities, not machismo.  "Gardening is gangsta: Mother Nature is gangsta. Being educated, creative and self-sustaining is gangsta. That whole concept was about turning a negative into a positive. If you want to be gangsta about anything, make it about building your community, sharing knowledge."
I love this piece about 'Gangsta Gardener' Ron Finley from Positive News.  
Scarily, the world has lost a third of it's quality arable land in the last 30 years - but there's still time to reverse the decline and scientists have some good ideas how to do it - but I think eating more organic food and planting more trees would definitely help too!

Sign 1010's petition asking the government to make sure all new buildings have solar installed as standard

Easy green actions and articles.  From UK eco blogger #ecoblogger #petitions #savetheworld #gardentower #gardentowerproject
I REALLY want one of these all in one vertical planters and worm composters, but sadly don't currently have a spare £300 lying about!  There are a few DIY versions about on the internet, and I'm trying to work out a way to make my own plastic-free version.

If you have a few spare pennies and are feeling kind would you please think about donating to this Crowdfunder appeal to create a vegan hub in my little hometown - it would be lovely if you did. 

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