
Tuesday 31 July 2018

My homegrown harvest, July 2018.

Lo!  Tis the first raspberry of the year!  I'm not sure why they're so early this year, they're autumn fruiting raspberries ('autumn bliss') and I didn't have any til late August last year so this is very strange but enjoyable.  I think I like raspberries even better than strawberries!

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

We've had the last of the strawberries, and some blueberries, black currants and blackberries too this year.  Joe's been eating most of them with yoghurt for his breakfast.

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

I planted a few mange tout plants, and the touts have been ready to mange this month. I'm not keen on the giant mange tout (although it doesn't help that I let some of them grow overly giant!), I think I'll just plant the purple ones in future. 

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

I planted my broad beans late this year, and only planted about 6 beans (because of snow!  It seems a long time ago since it was cold enough to snow!).  They've actually been the most successful broad beans I've ever grown, they were lovely plants that didn't need any support and had hardly any pests and grew loads and loads of beans.  If you've been reading my blog for some time then you'll know that I'm a very picky eater, so I, of course, don't actually like broad beans - but I do like falafel so these got turned into a batch of falafel and were frozen for a later day. 

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

My homegrown harvest, July 2018. From UK garden blogger #homegrown #harvest #suburbanpermaculture #gardenharvest

How's your garden this month?  What are you eating? 

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