
Friday 20 July 2018

Review - Morrisons wonky veg box.

I've tried a few organic veggie boxes in my time, but when I spotted this Wonky Veg box from Morrisons for only £3.50 I couldn't resist and added it to my online shopping order.  

Review - Morrisons wonky veg box.  From UK eco friendly blogger #morrisonswonkyvegbox #wonkyveg #vegbox #vegboxreview

Inside the box were 10 medium size potatoes, 4 small onions, 2 small leeks, 3 parsnips, 1 cauliflower, 1 swede, 1 cabbage and 6 carrots.  As with lots of 'wonky' fruit and veg, I can see nothing wrong with any of it!  If I was being extra picky I'd say the potatoes have imperfect skin, but that's easy enough to deal with.

Review - Morrisons wonky veg box.  From UK eco friendly blogger #morrisonswonkyvegbox #wonkyveg #vegbox #vegboxreview

All the wonky veg from the box has been delicious and some of it's still in the fridge 2 weeks after we bought it, and it's lasting well.  The cauliflower was really nice and fresh, and the potatoes were really yummy.  

I do prefer an organic veg box, but this Morrisons Wonky Veg box actually has nicer veg in than the Morrisons organic veg box.  I regularly get an Able and Cole organic fruit and veg box, it has the nicest produce in it, but costs £14.50 plus delivery each week, whereas this Wonky box is a bit of a bargain for £3.50.  

Review - Morrisons wonky veg box.  From UK eco friendly blogger #morrisonswonkyvegbox #wonkyveg #vegbox #vegboxreview

In terms of packaging, the veg came in a carboard box, covered with a single sheet of plastic.  I'd have preferred no plastic, but 1 sheet is still less than if you were to buy all these veg wrapped singly. 

Have you tried a Wonky Veg box?  What do you think?


  1. Ooh I didn't know they did this! I buy the bags of wonky carrots and wonky avocados - the carrots are always good but the avocados are a bit inconsistent in quality. They also have a new thing where you can take your own tubs if you're buying anything from the deli/meat counters :)

    1. I find avocados are inconsistent even when they're not wonky though, they're so fickle! And ooo! for taking your own tubs, I'll try that next time (am partial to their deli samosas/bhajis) Thanks for the tip :) x

  2. I have never seen a wonky veg box. but I would certainly try one, the cauliflower looks beautiful. We tried the not-that-local greengrocer again the other week, some of the produce was great, some was so expensive, I just can't afford to shop that way very often. Again we are thinking of growing a couple of things next year.

    1. Yes, we have a very expensive greengrocers in our town, it's more expensive than the organic veg box!! I'm trying to grow enough fruit and veg so we don't need to buy any (except potatoes and a few bits and bobs) in the growing season, but I'm not quite there yet!

  3. Ouch ! I'd need to take out a second mortgage to pay those sorts of prices for a few veggies !!
    £14.50 plus delivery - are they having a 'larf ??

    1. Well, each to their own, to me it's worth it :)

    2. or if you can afford it .................

    3. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.

      We do buy the Abel and Cole veg box regularly, so yes we can afford it and think it's worth spending our money on organically produced food grown in nice conditions by someone who is paid fairly for their work. Other veg boxes, like this wonky one, are a cheaper option if you can't afford or don't want to buy something more expensive. I've tried both and like them both and both have benefits for the environment (by either being grown organically or reducing food waste, and both are minimally packaged), so both are wins for me :)

  4. I tried some of the wonky veg in the past and to be honest, there was nothing wonky about it either. I was disappointed though, as much of it felt past by its best. I am willing to give the wonky veg box a go though, one more chance, esp. as we have recently started shopping there again.

    1. It's really eye opening isn't it, that so much perfectly fine veg is considered 'wonky' by the supermarkets - although I don't think it should be a label used to sell veg that's past it's best :( Hope you like the wonky veg box if you try it!


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