
Friday 31 August 2018

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.

So, it's a good year for raspberries.  They started early, I've had soo many and there are sooo many still to come.  No complaints, they're my favourite.

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

I've had lots of firsts this month too - first home grown apples (last year the squirrels ate a share of the only one!) and first tomatoes of the year, there are loads of green ones on the plants, but they seem to be ripening one by one! 

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

I've got nine blueberry plants, in their 2nd or 3rd year, and I'm getting ok crops off them now.  Lots of kale too, all of just one plant, I'm giving the stuff away!

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

Anyway, I think I mentioned my homegrown apples then got distracted by kale, I had 8 apples off my Discovery apple tree, and 2 off my other apple tree, that I bought as a Discovery apple but definitely isn't (it was a very cheapo tree from Wilkos!).  Woohoo!  Apples!  I'm doing the thing and growing my own fruit.  One day I will be Barbara from the Good Life. 

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

Finally, here is a spring onion.  A caterpillar popped out of it just as I was about to cut it up, and made me jump, and then the caterpillar fell on the floor and I haven't been able to find it, so there's a caterpillar on the loose in the kitchen somewhere. I'm not sure why I had one random spring onion in my raised bed, but I did and now I've eaten it and it was yummy. 

My homegrown harvest, August 2018.  From UK garden blogger #gardenharvest #gardenblogger #suburbanpermaculture

What have you been growing and eating this month? 


  1. Look at all that kale! My veg growing hasn't gone well this year. My greenhouse was just too hot, I think. Now it's cooled a little my cucumbers are starting to perk up but my spinach and lettuce leaves gave up completely. My strawberries were doing really well until the local rabbits found them. But I do have an abundance of chives for my scrambled eggs :)

    1. Oh naughty rabbits! My greenhouse is too hot too - luckily it's only a mini one and husband has been ordered to move it to the bottom of the garden to become a 'shade house' next year!

  2. Your harvest is lovely. I am envious of your kale, mine all got get by the pests - my fault for not covering them in netting.

    1. Thank you, my kale has it's fair share of holes and wiggys, as I don't net them either - it's been alright though until a pigeon discovered it a couple of weeks ago and keeps perching on top of the kale and pecking it all off!

  3. Hi Susie. We also grow Spring Onions. I don't pull them out, but cut off the green stalks and then they keep growing. The green bits are what I like to eat, sprinkled over soups, in salads etc. I'm not sure if this will work in the UK with cold Winter weather. It works for us in Australia. It's beach weather at the moment, sorry. ;)

    1. I think it would probably work in the UK, in the summer at least - I do cut the green tops of normal onions when I grown them and green grows back!
      Enjoy your beach weather :) We've had snow! x


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