
Tuesday 30 April 2019

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.

The first harvests of spring are starting to come in, they always taste the best.

I've been growing this cauliflower plant for about 18 months and was just debating cutting it down as it hadn't produced anything when all of a sudden a little cauliflower appeared, and within 2 weeks that little cauli grew until it was bigger than my head!  Although it was impressively sized, I can't say it was particularly tasty, I wouldn't grow this variety again (it's 'cut and come again', so it's supposed to make several heads but I'm not sure I'll bother with it any more).

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.  From UK suburban permaculture (ish) gardener, #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #suburbanpermaculture #urbangarden #homegrowncaulflower #homegrownshallots

I've also had some small shallots, I bought the shallots for 50p on sale really late in the season last year and they've overwintered, but not very well.  Some are really small and some are just about to go to flower, but it's nice to have fresh onions, whatever form they take.

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.  From UK suburban permaculture (ish) gardener, #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #suburbanpermaculture #urbangarden #homegrowncaulflower #homegrownshallots

Apart from the usual herbs, and a few pickings from my perennial welsh onions that's all I've eaten from the garden this month.  I can't wait for next month to see what's coming! 

Have you eaten any spring crops from your garden yet? 


  1. I WISH I could take over the garden with raised beds like these! They look so good!

    1. Just sneak a couple in Kezzie, no one will notice! :) :) :)


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