
Sunday 13 October 2019

Easy green actions and articles.

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

Firstly, if you couldn't get to the big Extinction Rebellion protests in London this week, and have some pennies to spare, you can donate to fund UK protests, legal fees for those who have been arrested during protests or to fund international actions. 

I love the Frack Free Nanas - they're awesome!  Watch them here and follow them on Twitter

Use Friends of the Earth's online tool to find out how eco friendly your local area is.  Just pop your postcode in to see what's good and what needs work where you live.

Ask your local council to make a 'climate action plan' - use Friend's of the Earth's tool to do so.

"We’re facing a climate emergency – the greatest ever threat to our existence and a disaster for the natural world.  A comprehensive climate action plan is long overdue. But instead our government keeps making climate-wrecking decisions – like supporting airport expansion and funding the fossil fuel industry overseas.  That's why we urgently need local authorities to lead the way where the government isn’t – and create their own ambitious local climate action plans."
Sign Greenpeace's petition asking advertisers to stop showing us ads from oil companies.
Yey!  Lots of trees are being planted worldwide!

1000 homes in London are set to be heated by recycling warm air from the Underground.
If you like eco-friendly blogs, check out Kezzie's where she's blogging weekly about eco things.


  1. Hurrah for the NHS! Glad to hear they are making some changes like this! How interesting about the Underground Hot air! I hope that it works out. I will certainly be contacting my local council about the making changes! Thank you for the tip. And how nice to mention my waffly eco blog posts!


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