
Sunday 8 December 2019

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday.

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote

Hello!  The UK general election is on Thursday 12th December and you can vote (for Labour, if you're planning on voting Conservative I hope you please conveniently forget to vote!) between 7am until 10pm, don't worry if you've lost your polling card, you can still vote without it so long as you're registered to vote. 

I'm honestly scared of what'll happen to our country, and to myself and my friends and family, if the Conservatives win.  I'll be voting Labour, and here's why,

1.  The NHS.  I REEEALLLY don't trust the Tories to not make a terrible deal with the USA where they allow healthcare to become very expensive.  I need a new asthma inhaler every 6 weeks, in the USA these cost $175 - $300 each. (Warning, skip this bit if you don't want to hear about my cervix!)  I'm currently having a smear test once a year, these cost between $20 - $200 each in the USA, I've also had two colposcopies in the last 12 months, these cost between $200 - $600 dollars each.  Imagine how gutting it would be to have to pay two thirds of your monthly income, and being unable to pay your monthly share of the household bills, so a doctor can use a telescope thingy to look at your cervix to check it hasn't turned cancerous.

2. My job800 libraries have closed since 2010, due to the Conservative government's unwillingness to give proper funding to local councils.  I would quite like to keep my job thank you.   And libraries have free books, PC access, advice, community spaces, community activities, and staff who will listen to the grumbles of many old and lonely people.

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote

3.  The environment. The Tories have been in charge since 2010, and what have they done for the environment?  Not much apart from allow fracking...  The Green Party seems to be the best choice for tackling climate change, but I honestly don't think they'll get in, Labour has a really strong Eco policy and are more likely to get in (if we all vote for them, please!)

4. I just care about other people - and I don't feel that the Tories do (unless you're rich).  And I think everyone should be taxed fairly.  I'm happy to pay extra tax to support people who need help and to put money into schools, hospitals and public infrastructure so everyone who lives here can have a nice life.  

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote

5.  I like what the Labour Party stands for.  I know loads of people won't vote Labour because they don't like Jeremy Corbyn.  I happen to like Jeremy Corbyn, but it's not just him you're voting for (no-one voted for Boris, remember!?) it's for the whole party and what it stands for, as well as all the labour MPs and prospective MPs.  There's a whole load more working and middle class, women and people from BAME backgrounds in the shadow cabinet than there are in the Tory party. 

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote

Here's some more reading for you,

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote

Vote well my friends.
Vote Labour.

5 reasons why I'll be voting Labour on Thursday. #votelabour #labour #fuckthetories #generalelection2019 #jeremycorbyn #vote


  1. I couldn't agree more.
    Somebody asked the question on Facebook today "If you were to fall over and injure yourself in the street whilst Boris Johnson & Jeremy Corbyn were walking part, which one would come to your assistance?" I think we all know the answer to that, don't we?
    Lets get those b*stards out on Thursday! xxx

  2. A Tory future doesn't bear thinking about, I'll be voting for sure, I can't understand anyone choosing not to vote.

  3. Oh I am so pleased to read this - I'm in Northern Ireland and we can't vote for Labour so I want all our English friends to be voting for them.
    Over here we're trying to persuade people to vote Alliance or SDLP instead of voting tribally for either the DUP who prop up Boris or Sinn Fein who won't take their seats in WEstminster ....Our health service here is in crisis, we've had no govenrment sitting for over three years and we voted in the majority to remain in the EU but there has been no-one speaking up for that side of the vote in Parliament - so Hurrah for such a brave post Susie and fingers crossed that the nightmare doesn't continue after Thursday.

    1. Sorry for being so England centric - sounds like it's bad in NI, I've not actually seen any reporting on any of that which is shocking actually. Looks like it wasn't a great result for anyone (unless you're a tory...) this time, hope you're doing ok xxx

  4. I'm reading this a bit late and yes, I did vote Labour. I usually vote Green but in my area, there is no way they'd get in so I voted Labour. I also like Jeremy Corbyn. What people (who have said to me that they don't trust him or don't like him) are forgetting is that they are seeing the right-wing biased press trashing him and spreading lies- they have never given him a chance. A lot of the press is simply not true.
    I agree with ALL your reasons and I am happy to pay my taxes to support people who need it, not so that Amazon and rich moguls can avoid paying more tax.
    It's all very depressing but will try to be a bit of light in the darkness!
    P.S. Tell me more about your cervix- why are you having to have them so often?????? Poor you!

    1. Oh Kezzie, not many people have asked to know more about my cervix :) ! Some pre-cancerous cells were found on it a couple of years ago, they've cleared up on their own thank goodness but have to have smear tests yearly at the moment just to make sure they don't come back.

      I'm so sad labour didn't win, and that the tories have so much of a majority...wwhhhhhyyyy! :( :( :( But yes, lets be the light in the dark xxx


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