
Tuesday 24 March 2020

How to make vegan potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes.

What kind of person has left over mashed potatoes I hear you ask!  Not me usually, but if I know I want to make potato cakes I deliberately make double the amount of mash then try not to eat it all so there are actually leftovers. 

Potato cakes are my favourite thing to make and eat at the moment, and they're really easy and cheap to do!

How to make vegan potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes.  Vegan recipe from UK vegan blogger #potatocakes #vegan #veganrecipe

You'll need, 

leftover mashed potatoes 
flour (any kind will do!)
anything else you want to add in - I like chives or spring onions in mine.

1.  Add a spoonful or two of flour at a time to your mash, and mix until it forms a stiff dough.

2. Add any seasoning (how much depends on if your mash was seasoned already) or herbs if you want to use them.

How to make vegan potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes.  Vegan recipe from UK vegan blogger #potatocakes #vegan #veganrecipe

3. With floured hands take a golf-ball-ish sized amount of mixture, roll it then flatten it between your hands, then put into a medium hot pan with a little oil in in.   TOP TIP - cold mash, that's been in the fridge before you use it, is a lot easier to handle!

4. I carry on making potato cakes and putting them in the pan as I go.

How to make vegan potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes.  Vegan recipe from UK vegan blogger #potatocakes #vegan #veganrecipe

5. Cook for 3 or 4 minutes per side, until they're golden brown, then serve hot, or keep in the fridge or freezer.

See, easy peasy!  I like them for breakfast or lunch with lots of vegan margarine spread on and sprinkling of sea salt.  If you make a big batch they store well in the fridge or freezer too.

How to make vegan potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes.  Vegan recipe from UK vegan blogger #potatocakes #vegan #veganrecipe


  1. I usually make far more mash than we need, I never seem to judge how many potatoes will make the right amount. Andy usually eats them up for breakfast - cold! I can't thin of anything worse, but he likes it.
    Last week he hadn't realised there were leftovers, so I got to make bubble and squeak for lunch. I added chives and chopped peppers, and a little cheese. It was so nice!
    These potato cakes look delicious though, and if I can stop Andy eating the leftovers in future, I'll be sure to give them a try!

    1. Nooo cold mash for breakfast....whhhhy! I think I've heard Joe reminisce about mash potato sandwiches, boys really will eat the weirdest things!

  2. When I saw the title of this post, my first thought was actually 'Who ever has left over mashed potato?!!!' hahah! I generally make too much but eat it all anyway as it's so good!I do love potato cakes though so thanks for sharing this, next time I'll know that I can make extra mash for this very purpose :)

    1. It's very difficult for us not to eat all the mash, even if we've made extra, because mash is just soo good. I have to put it in a tightly sealed box in the fridge immediately if there's to be any hope of having left overs!

  3. Ooh, yes, these sound good (and left-over mash - er no!) I'd defo like to make some!!!!

    1. They are good, if you can manage to leave some mash to make them!


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