
Sunday 29 April 2012

Amazing April...

This month I've loved...

* payday *  ikea * shiny new books * listening to The Smiths and Eddie Reader * glue stick and felt pen sorting * new pink posters * chips and onion rings * workie-mates *  reading The Hunger Games, Cross Stitch and silly teen-girl vampire books! And A Midsummer Tights Dream by Louise Rennison, which I nabbed when it came in on the new books delivery at work, reminds me of being 14 and reading the 'Angus,  Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging' series by the same author! * selling stuff * booking 2 craft fairs * making new, vintage fabric bags * Slightly tidier bedroom * new charity shop dress for £1.50! * seeds shooting and sprouting * homemade onion bhajis * baby robins in the garden - Bobby, Betty and Billy Bobbin! * 

I've been sick allll month with a cough/cold/sore throat/feel like I'm dying/temperature/chest infection thingy that just hasn't gone away and is still making it's presence mummy made me some happy cakes to cheer me up!

I love Kay and Simes blog, Just Humans Being and Kay gave my blog a cheeky mention and paid me a lovely compliment the other day, thank you! :)

Hope you've had an amazing April!? xx

Monday 23 April 2012

World Book Night...

Happy World Book Night!!  I picked up a free book at work, The Blind Assassin, a left over from last years World Book Night and one of the only Margaret Atwood books I don't think I've read.  We held an event in the library today for a local author, aged 90+, to launch her second book (very crowded, she was a success!  What an inspiration!) and tonight the author Manda Scott is giving a talk, I didn't go because I had already spent 8 hours in the library today and I don't really read crime books, but I hope everyone else enjoyed it!

I'm going to bed now to read my vampire book!

Did you do anything exciting for World Book Night?

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Handmade Birthday...

Last week was my mum's 60th birthday...I made her a special badge...

It's just a big crocheted circle, with a frilly edge and felt numbers and dots stitched on...

...and a card that would have had 60 candles on the front if I'd have done my maths properly!

Do you have any crafty projects on the go?  I've got a big pile of fabric to make into bags and a LOT of crocheting to do to get ready for a craft fair I booked a stall at in June!

Monday 16 April 2012

Library Love...Cake Angels, The Hunger Games, Pompom Pals, One Piece of Fabric...

The library I work in moved to a new building over the last 2 weeks, the best part about this is the zillions of shiny new books we put on the shelves!

Cake Angels - Julia Thomas
 I borrowed this mainly because it has a recipe for vegan caramel to make millionaires shortbread with (I sooo miss this from my pre-vegan, pre-soya-free days!)  Of course, you first have to make (make!!) your own vegan condensed milk, which sounds a little complicated, but probably worth it.  The book contains lots of recipes for gluten and dairy free cakes, mum's friend at book club can't have gluten so she tried a couple of recipes for book club night and both were very successful too and worked even though we couldn't find any xthanthan gum to put in (nearly every recipe recommended to use this, but we just used gluten free flour and they turned out fine - my mummy is magic at cake though so perhaps that has something to do with it!) 

Pompom Pals - Michelle Tilly
I want to make an orange wave-y pompom pal like the one on the front cover, and the owl shaped one and the hippopotamus-ish one!  These are very cute, but seem to take up a lot of wool to make them and then I think about all the lovely things I could crochet with that wool instead and it seems like waste to make pompoms from it.  Maybe I could make mini pompom pals!

One Piece of Fabric - Lena Santana
I mostly like the bag on the front cover and the dress on the back cover of this book, it's a bit rubbish that the patterns aren't included, you have to draw your own or enlarge the ones at the back with a photocopier, which would be a bit tricky for something like a dress pattern.  But some of the ideas are nice and the pictures are pretty.  Mostly a pretty picture book, some of the projects are a bit weird, like a bikini and a table rosette thingy, but the bag patterns are nice.

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Oh My Gosh!  Read The Hunger Games.  It is soooo good!  

Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter...

I have eaten waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much chocolate!  Hope you had a good one! xxx

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Charity Shop Treasure...Granny Crochet Blanket...

This granny square crochet blanket cost me 50p!  50p!!!!!

 I LOVE charity shopping!  Have you found an excellent bargain recently?

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Marvelous March...

This month I've been loving...

* having a craft fair stall for the very first time and actually selling stuff * lovely emails from my lovely friends * playing my ukulele * bit tidier bedroom * crochet * rainbow glittery nail varnish * 50p crochet blanket from the charity shop * very loud meeowing cat * listening to Placebo, Norah Jones, The Smiths and the Freaky Friday soundtrack * watching Glee and 90210 and Greek and Winners and Losers * my aloe vera plant producing a baby * yummy curry and birthday tea and cake for my mums birthday * plum blossom * new fishies * croaky frog and frogspawn * sticker books * toast breaks * ice lollies * wearing suncream * wearing my PJs to work * shiny new library and shiny new library books * planting seeds * making yummy vegan burgers * visiting my extremely cute little cousin for her 2nd birthday *

A handsome young pigeon who will be allowed to live in our garden so long as he stops pecking the brassicas!


Woke up this morning to this!  What's going on...I had suncream on last week!

Hope you all had a lovely month! xxx