
Monday 20 April 2015

A Photo an Hour, April 2015

April 19th was the date set for this months Photo an Hour challenge, organised by Louisa and Jane.  

10am - I had a lie in and finished off my book (I was reading a graphic novel called The Cute Girl Network).

11am - I was a bit overzealous with the garden digging yesterday, owchie!

12pm - My back hurt, so I refused to move from the sofa and watched the Hollyoaks omnibus...

1pm - ...and The Big Bang Theory.

2pm - I seemed to have used all my kitchen utensils, time to do the washing up I'd been putting off all week. 

3pm - I ordered some seeds off the internet, and made a list of what I have and want for our new garden.

4pm - Pancakes for lunch/dinner/hungrytime (when I'm on my own for the day I just eat when I'm hungry, rather than at traditional breakfast/lunch/tea times.  I may have had a packet of crisps for my breakfast.)

I seem to have missed 5pm!

6pm - Watered my little balcony garden with my trusty elephant watering can.

7pm - Sunset.

8pm - I was wandering round with my hair up in a bun, it was covered in coconut oil to condition it.

9pm - Bath time.

10pm - On second thoughts, coconut oil conditioner, bicarbonate of soda hair wash and vinegar shine rinse, in my mini, flat sized bath, with a bad back, may not have been the best idea!

11pm - Book and bed.

12am - I got up to go to the loo and found it was already occupied! EEeep!

Did you take part this month?  Did you have a more exciting day than me?!

You can see my other photo a day posts here.


  1. These are some of my favorite blog posts to read and to put together, I dunno why..does it mean Im nosey?? Haha
    My day in photos post goes up today but Im not part of the official #photoanhour crew and just do it on whatever day I fancy.

    I love your watering can! It reminds me of Fantasia :) And I have the same eating habits when my other half is on nightshift etc.

    Loved seeing your day!
    Best wishes, Danielle xo

    1. I like them too, I guess that makes us both nosy! :)

      I quite like it when my boyfriend works a late shift, I eat when I want and watch all the TV I've recorded that he doesn't like. I do miss him if he does more than one in a row though!

      I'm off to be nosy at your photos now :)

  2. I too only eat when I'm hungry, I hate it when the clock tells you when to eat !
    I love the little faces on the pansies in the 'elephant' picture, they look like they are smiling at you ?
    You only wash up once a week ? - shame on you Sooz !!!

    1. Normally I'm a little more domesticated with my washing up, but we got the keys to our new house and playing there is much more exciting than washing up at the flat!
      I love my pansies too, they've been really good this year :)

  3. Your day was far more productive. I have been poorly with some kind of virus, still recovering and have a day off work. I may do #photoan hour one of these days, a bit like Danielle when I'm up for it.
    PS so what happened to the spider?

    1. Hope you're feeling better by now?
      The spider seemed to be under the water, so I figured he was either dead, or was swimming, so I flushed him. I did give him a little poke with a bit of loo roll first and he made no reaction :(

  4. Wow you're trying out lots of veg in your new garden! I'm easing myself in, I say that but my raspberries take over half my veg patch so i'm a little limited! But internet garden shopping - totally a new favorite hobby of mine!

    1. Oh yeah, I could spend all my time and money internet gardening! Unfortunately I have less fun things to buy for the new house first! I love raspberries, you're lucky to have lots!

  5. I always like to see how other #photoanhour people's days compare to mine - yours seems like a lovely chilled-out Sunday.

    1. I try to keep Sunday as a lazy day if I can, I'm really grumpy if I'm forced to leave my house on a Sunday!

  6. Glad I'm not the only one who leaves the washing up to the point where there's nothing left to use! :)

  7. Glad to know I'm not the only one who lets my dishes pile up like that hahaha great post. I love the pink elephant watering can btw.

  8. Yay, thanks for taking part! Loving the watering can - that's fab! :-) xx

    1. Thanks for hosting Louisa! I'm rather fond of my elephant watering can too :) x


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