
Friday 17 April 2015

Library Love, A Little Something Different, Ruby Circle, The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp, The Little White Horse.

Library Love, A Little Something Different, Ruby Circle, The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp, The Little White Horse.

In the last month or two I've been reading, 

A Little Something Different - Sandy Hall
I really liked this story of Lea and Gabe's relationship, told from everyone's point of view apart from their own.  I especially related to their college professor and the staff in their local coffee shop rooting for/imagining/intervening in their lives, as someone who works with the public I definitely decide which of my customers I think should get together! 

The Ruby Circle - Richelle Mead
This is the conclusion of a 6 book series (Bloodlines), which kinda carries on from another 6 book series (Vampire Academy), so in all I've read 12 books about these characters.  Everything was wrapped up pretty neatly, which was satisfying, but it wasn't the best book in the series.  Which is a shame because I was looking forward to it for ages.

Library Love, A Little Something Different, Ruby Circle, The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp, The Little White Horse.

The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp - Eva Rice
There are nearly 600 pages in this book, which is a lot for me, but I loved another of Eva Rice's books (The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets) so I thought this might be worth the armache of holding a heavy book in bed.  It was.  Soo worth it!  Lovely, and retro, and swinging-sixties-y, and posh musician boys called Inigo and Digby.  It was so good!

The Little White Horse - Elizabeth Goudge
This book has been doing the rounds of all the staff at work, it finally got to my turn!  I really liked this book, it was written in the forties though and it took a bit of will power to get over many, many lines like 'the room was so well laid out, it was far beyond the doing of a mere man' (seriously).   The story is exciting though, about family secrets, lions and unicorns and friends.  

What are you reading?


  1. I really liked Eva Rice's first book (also about the music biz) so I may give this one a try. And I love the sound of A Little Something Different... onto my library request list it goes!

    1. I'm waiting for the newest Eva Rice book to be released, one of the perks of working in a library is I can see when books have been added to the catalogue, before their release date, and get a request in early! :D


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