
Monday 31 August 2015

My Garden Harvest, August 2015.

My little garden has done a bit better this month!
My first raspberries!  These are the first raspberries I've ever eaten that didn't need sugar on them, they're sweet and delicious just as they are.

The variety is Autumn Bliss and I'll definitely be buying some more plants!
Raspberry Autumn Bliss. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

This is my first ever homegrown spring onion.  It was so sweet and tasty.  I ate it in a vegan quesadilla. 

Japanese Bunching Onion. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

I picked my first spinach beet.  And I ate it in a stir fry!  And I've had lots more spinach beet and rainbow chard too.

Spinach beet. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

Spinach beet. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

I picked my first lot of broad beans, and made broad bean falafel, with home grown coriander too!

Broad beans. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

Broad beans. Home grown garden harvest. UK garden blogger

We have lots of other herbs ready for picking at the moment,  I've been putting lovely basil and thyme in homemade pasta sauces all month.

A naughty slug has eaten all of my courgettes, which I am most upset about!

Have you harvested much this month?

Linking up with Harvest Mondays.


  1. I don't grow anything in my garden other than weeds! I'd love to grow soft fruit and herbs. Do you find you need to net your raspberries to keep the birds off?

    1. This is my first year of growing raspberries, and my plants are really small! So far I've had about 6 raspberries and the birds have had 2, I don't mind sharing a bit with the birds, but if they decide to eat all the berries I'll probably net them next year.

  2. Looks like you've had a very productive month! We've been growing and picking so many crops this last month. Now have my fall crops planted alongside them too.

    1. Oh wow, you're organised! I need to plant my autumn/winter stuff soon (I have garlic to plant which I'm excited about!)

  3. Slugs are complete gits!!! Honestly, my courgettes are fighting for survival, they keep putting forth embryo courgettes and then the swines get at them! I'm very impressed by your broad beans and Spring onion! My onions are still growing but they keep getting drowned by the rain as they're not very well planted. The tomatoes are growing but they're not turning red and there aren't many! Why wont my chard do anything!?!?!?!? One measly plant doing not much! The only success is really runnerbeans- I've picked about 91 so far!x

    1. 91 runner beans is really impressive! My tomatoes won't go red either :(

      My chard was really sad until I made some incredibly stinky 'weed tea' to fertilise my garden with!

  4. Congrats on your first spring onion. Firsts are always exciting! And nice looking chard. I'm not sure what spinach beet is?

    1. Thanks Susie :)

      Spinach beet is very much like chard, I think it's also sometimes called perpetual spinach.

  5. Your harvest may be small, but its all good. This time next year, you will only have more veg to cook with. Exciting times ahead.

  6. Looks like a good harvest! I dare not grow anything in my back yard thats edible as the slugs are the bane of my ( gardening) life.x

    1. Thanks Shazza :) Slugs are naughty, but I won't be beaten by them :D

  7. Those raspberries look amazing! I've just planted some canes this spring and have nothing to show for it yet, but there may be a berry or two before frost, if we are lucky. I'm with Shaheen - growing your own definitely increases the amount of fresh veg on the table in our house. And of course there is the variety too - I find that growing your own veg makes you that much more adventurous. I've tried all sorts of new veg that I would normally walk right by in the grocery store, simply because I thought it looked interesting to grow.

    1. You're right, I wouldn't buy chard or raspberries in the shops, but I happily eat them when I've grown them! I'm a really picky eater so I hope I can encourage myself to eat a wider variety because I've grown them myself!

      I hope you get some raspberries by the end of the season. :)

  8. Congrats on all your firsts. Raspberries are a favorite of mine. And homegrown ones are so so good.

    1. Thanks Daphne, you're right those raspberries are so yummy! :D

  9. Slugs are the bane of my life! This summer I only planted flowers, as we were going to be away for a key part of the growing season for fruit and veg, but the slugs have decimated my lovely blooms, grrr.

    1. Oh naughty slugs!

      I've told Joe we're not to go on holiday during the summer because the garden will suffer too much! Luckily we prefer to go in spring and autumn anyway! :D

  10. You're having a great first summer Susie, well done for getting such a wide variety. Rasps are definitely one of my favourites, mmmm,. Slugs seem to have been particularly bad this year everywhere by the sounds of it. I try and find their hidey holes and keep checking regularly if I remember.

    1. Thanks Lou :) I don't think it's doing too bad, to say I had a late start and I haven't got any homemade compost to make my soil nice yet! :D


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