
Sunday 30 August 2015

Photo an Hour, August 2015.

The 29th of August was chosen as photo an hour day this month!
Photo an hour is organised by Louisa and Jane.  Here's my day in photos,
9am - I made it out of bed, opened my post (something from Friends of the Earth) and the internet before setting off for work.

10am - I wasn't at my normal Saturday library, so my journey was a 10 minute walk rather than a 10 minute bus ride!  The hanging baskets outside work are massive this year!

11am - My break time snacks were not very exciting!

12am - The arts and crafts shelves are my favourite I think!

1pm - I only work Saturday mornings, so I'm finished by lunchtime.  I walked home past the Peace Garden.  You can see some construction work in the background, that's the old libray building that they're turning into flats and an employment agency.  I used to work there before moving to the new building a few years ago, and it's the library I visited as a child.  It's a super old, decrepit building (it used to be the workhouse!) so I'm glad it's having some work done to it.

2pm - I bought some violas from Wilkinsons on the way home.  I want to plant them in my plant pot shaped like an owl!

3pm - To be honest, I stayed on the sofa from the time I got in, until bedtime.  I had Monday off sick from work and I've not been feeling great for the rest of the week.  I caught up on a couple of episodes of Neighbours.

4pm - and I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I love the sarcastic teacher (If you knew and I didn't know, then you'd be teaching me instead of me teaching you.  And for a student to teach his teacher is presumptuous and rude).

5pm - A Dip Dab to keep my strength up!

6pm - Still on the sofa, here's the view looking the other way.

7pm - Tea time, Joe had dhal and a naan bread, I wasn't going to eat anyting, but his naan tempted me into having one of my own.

8pm - I missed this out, but I was still on the sofa, watching recorded episodes of the Mindy Project.
9pm - Double mint imperial!  Sadly, highlight of my night I think!

11pm - Book, journal, bed.  Night night!

Did you take part this month?  Let me know if you did, I'd love to see your photos!
I'm trying to take part in #photoanhour every month this year, you can see my past photos here.  And you can keep up with me on Facebook too! 



  1. In my country we call that tipe of bread : focaccia!

    1. Hi Saraa, we have focaccia bread here too, that was an Indian naan bread though :)

  2. Inspired by you Susie, I participated for the first time. here is my link

    I followed you on twitter last night, liking the violas. And the glimpse of the Peace Garden.

    I have a huge favour, I am struggling opening Janes blog to comment and share my link, and Louisa hasn't up-dated her blog with her Photo A Day, is there any way you can let them know of my blog post, would be most appreciated.

    1. Yey! I'm glad you joined in :D

      I'll make sure to share your link with Jane and Louisa :) x

  3. I just bought masses of violas for the containers in our garden, can't wait to plant them out and guarantee a little winter colour.

    1. I need to buy more, I want some brighter colours though, I have my eye out for some!

  4. I hope you're feeling better soon.
    I'll have to get some violas for my pots, they're looking a bit sorry for themselves at the moment. I took part this month too :)

  5. Wow you have a very fancy looking library!

  6. That looks a niiiiiiiiiiiiiice library!!! I love that Charlie and the chocolate factory and I always feel bad for Charlie with that teacher! But I want to eat one of those enormous jelly babies that Violet Beauregard eats!
    Mmmm, dhal, we should be having vegan sweet potato and spinach dahl tonight with coconut chutney but we're being a bit rubbish and depressed over going back to school! I'm sooooooooooooooooo miserable!x

    1. Thank you, we're quite proud of our libraries :) Our council has built us lots of shiny new buildings, when in lots of other places libraries are closing. We're very lucky!

      Hope back to school isn't too bad for you, but I can understand why you're miserable (I did teacher training and hated it so much I gave myself permission never to go back to school again!), hope it goes ok :) x

  7. Ah, I hope you're feeling better now. Sometimes you just need to spend a day on the sofa; they are the best Saturdays sometimes!

    I've read that book! I like Sarah Dessen, though I struggle to separate any of her books when I think about them weeks after reading them. Good fun to read though!

    Thanks for joining in :)

    1. Thank you, feeling much better now :D I find a day on the sofa cures most ills :D

      I read a Sarah Dessen book when I was younger that I loved and re-read loads of times, I'm glad I picked this one up for 50p second hand because it was a nice read too :)


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