
Friday 30 October 2015

My garden harvest, October 2015.

I've picked some exciting veggies from my garden this month!

FINALLY some tomatoes!  And my favourite mini-pop sweetcorn.  Home grown spring onions are the best, sooo much nicer than shop bought ones!

Mini-pop sweetcorn, spring onion, tomatoes.  My Garden Harvest, October 2015. #ukgarden #uklogger #growyourown

The spinach beet and rainbow chard are still growing well.

Rainbow Chard and spinach beet leaves.  My Garden Harvest, October 2015. #ukgarden #uklogger #growyourown

And even more tomatoes!

Tomatoes and Mini-pops mini sweetcorn.  My Garden Harvest, October 2015. #ukgarden #uklogger #growyourown

How's your harvest this month?

Linking up with Harvest Mondays.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Our new home, in progress tour. Downstairs.

We've had our house since April, and been living here since June and doing lots of home renovations, so I thought it was about time I showed you some progress photos!

A lot of the big expensive jobs are over (electrics, gas, etc) and I think we're on to the decorating jobs now! 

The hallway has been painted white, apart from our beautiful mustard yellow wall, that I'm in love with!  Joe's started putting cork tiles down, which will eventually go into the kitchen, dining room and conservatory too!

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

Look at this original wallpaper under the stairs!

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

The lounge is the most finished room, it's just waiting for carpets and a new sofa.

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

We'll put bookshelves on the wall where the cheese plant is now.  I'm halfway through stripping that G-plan chest of drawers, we'll put the telly on it eventually and get rid of the other unit. 

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

The kitchen.  We've had the central heating boiler moved, the cooker, dishwasher and washing machine put in, and the old cooker and washing machine (that used to stand in the middle of the room!) taken out and all the pipes dealt with.  We are still, obviously, missing some essential kitchen parts, such as worktops and cupboards, but we do have shelves!  And one day we'll have a door to hide those shelves behind!

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

We bought this super retro cupboard from the charity shop!

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

The conservatory, aka decorating-stuff-depository. 

Our New Home, in Progress Tour.  Downstairs.

Honestly, some days I feel like I hate living here, it's taking a lot longer than I hoped and everything is such a mess. I hope these photos show it at it's worst, and things will only get better!  We're almost ready to have carpets fitted (in the lounge, stairs and landing and bedrooms), then we can unpack and get a bit more organised.  I miss my stuff, it's been in boxes since June!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

My garden, October 2015.

It's been feeling very autumnal this month, and to be honest I've neglected the garden a bit because it's been chilly and because I've been super busy!

I'm really happy with my raised bed (I filled it using the lasagna method!).  I've planted garlic and onion sets, and leek, rainbow chard and spinach beet from seed, and they've all sprouted and they're growing!   I planted some strawberry plants down the edges too.

Raised Beds with onion and garlic.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

My great excitement has been this sunflower head.  I harvested a few seeds for myself, to plant next year, then hung the head up with some string on the fence.  I meant it to be a bird feeder, but it's been attracting my furry friends too!

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Sunflower Seed Head Bird Feeder.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

Talking of seed heads, did you know snapdragon seed heads look like little skulls? 

Snapdragon seed heads look like skulls.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

I don't want to speak too soon, but there's a courgette growing here that hasn't been eaten by a slug!!!!! (yet!)

Courgette.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

I planted some wildflower seeds and butterfly friendly seeds in the side garden, this is the only thing that's grown from those seeds.  I think it's nigella, it's really pretty!

Nigella.  My Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

And here's the whole garden.  It needs some love this month, and possibly a water, it hasn't rained for ages!  I'll get round to that next week, this week is crazy (extra work, 2 birthdays, a wedding, naming ceremony and a friend visting!  Eeep!).

Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

This is the garden from another angle.  One day it'll be a lovely patio area with a pizza oven.  For now, it's a mess, with some pots of herbs and tomatoes.
Garden, October 2015, Autumn Gardening.

How's your garden this month?

Linking up with Green Thumb Thursday.

Sunday 18 October 2015

What do vegans eat? Easy vegan meal and snack ideas.

People always ask me what do vegans eat, so here are some vegan meals and snacks I've eaten recently,

Dhal. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Dhal.  We usually make the dhal recipe from River Cottage Veg Every Day, but Joe made this one up, because the recipe books are still packed!  It was pretty good, and we had some chapatti and broccoli with toasted almonds on the side.

Tomato Pasta. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Tomato and garden herb pasta with garlic bruscetta.  I've had a few homegrown tomatoes, so I've been making tomato sauce, with lots of homegrown herbs.  The garlic bruscetta are from Home Bargains, they're really cheap and they even say suitable for vegans on the packet!  

Vegan naan bread. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Clay Oven Bakery Naan Bread.  I discovered this vegan naan bread in our local ethnic supermarket.  They're soooo big!

Violife cheese. Vegan naan bread. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Violife.  I discovered Violife vegan cheese in a block, so I've been grating it on everything!  I haven't had grated cheese since I went vegan 8 years ago, so this is a pretty big deal for me!  Yum!

Quesadilla with Violife cheese. Vegan naan bread. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Vegan cheese quesadilla.  More grated cheese!  This is a pretty boring photo of what was a very tasty vegan cheese and spring onion quesadilla.  

Broad bean falafel. Vegan naan bread. What do Vegans Eat?  Easy Vegan Meal and Snack Ideas.

Vegan broad bean falafels.  I made these with homegrown broad beans, spinach beet and coriander, added to a pre-made falafel mix.  I added in oats and chia seeds too. 

What yummy vegan food have you been eating?

Saturday 17 October 2015

Photo an hour, October 2015.

October 17th was the day set for this months Photo an Hour.  

Photo an hour is organised by Jane and Louisa and you can find round up posts on both of their blogs.

Here's my day, 

11am - We've both had a busy week, so a long lie in followed by vegan croissants was in order.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

12pm - I caught up on what was on the internet and we watched Jamie Oliver's Super Food.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

1pm - I spent at least an hour working something technical out on my blog, then felt very pleased with myself when I managed to make it work!  

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

2pm - If I could go back in time and tell 14 year old me to not paint the G-Plan chest of drawers lilac I definitely would!  It's taking sooo long to strip the paint off it!

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

3pm - I didn't take a photo, but I was still stripping the chest of drawers.

4pm - It went very cold and the sky went grey, so I stopped my paint stripping and came inside to warm up.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

5pm - Dinner, homemade mushroom fried rice and an onion bhaji left over from yesterday's takeaway.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

6pm - Watching Suurgatory.  Can you spot our Lego Minifigures on top of the TV?  We have the skeleton guy and the fly guy so far.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

7pm - All wrapped up for the night.  It's sooo cold!

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

8pm - Ready for Doctor Who.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

9pm - Dutifully washing the boy's uniform while he's out at work.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

10pm - Dutifully hanging up the washing in what will be our bedroom when it's finished (please note the pink wall, squeeee!)

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

11pm - Goodnight world.

photo an hour. #photoanhour #ukblogger #lifestyleblogger

Did you take part this month?  Let me know if you did, I'd love to see!

Thursday 15 October 2015

My crochet stripey harmony shawl.

I love love love my new crochet shawl.  In my head I call it my crazy parrot wings shawl, because the colours and the pattern the variegated yarn made looks a bit like parrot feathers.

My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

Made using - Yarnfair Stripes yarn in colourway 70304, 3 50g balls (exactly!) and a 4mm crochet hook.

Pattern - Harmony Shawl free crochet pattern by Bodhi Sasa on Ravelry.

My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

Made while watching - Practical Magic, Sunday Kitchen, The Flash and Doctor Who.

Time Taken - 3 evenings, 1 morning. 

This is the best I can do for an action shot!  (usually I would take a mirror photo, but we don't have a mirror at the moment!)
My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

Here it is with my mustard Harmony shawl.  My mustard manta-ray shawl and my crazy parrot wings shawl!  I love this pattern, I'm going to make more I'm sure!

My Crochet Stripey Harmony Shawl.

What have you been making?

Linking up with Flaunt it Friday.

Monday 12 October 2015

Make one small change - use a wooden toilet brush.

Adopting eco friendly habits can be easier taken one small step at a time.  Lots of small changes add up to a big difference.

Make One Small Change - Use a Wooden Toilet Brush.

I try to avoid buying anything made from plastic, so I was very happy to discover I could buy a wooden toilet brush with natural (plant based) bristles (mine is from Labour and Wait, you can buy the loo brush on its own for £5, or a set with brush and holder for £18.  I use a white ceramic plant pot as a holder, it was 50p from the charity shop and works perfectly well). 

I don't know how long toilet brushes should last, but my old wooden loo brush kept going for three and a bit years, with regular disinfecting!  

Unlike a plastic brush, when finished with this brush will eventually rot away to nothing.

Being eco-friendly isn't very glamorous sometimes!

Would you switch to a wooden loo brush?

Friday 9 October 2015

How to fill a raised bed using the lasagna method.

When I decided to get raised beds for our front garden I did some online research about the best way to fill raised beds.  I came across lasagna gardening, where you make lots of layers to add nutrients and to mimic the natural structure of soil, and thought that sounded like a good idea.  There's lots and lots of information on lasagna gardening online!  Some is very precise (add 1 inch of 'greens' to 2 inches of 'browns') and some is less so (I'm pretty sure they were joking when they said throw in a pair of old boots!), so I thought I'd show you what I did.

I bought my raised beds online, then Joe (patiently) taught me how to use a drill so I could assemble them all by myself! (nearly!)

First, I lined my raised bed.  The internet is full of people saying you must line your raised bed and people saying you must not line your raised bed.  I've lined mine with weed suppressant fabric that's supposed to let water through, but mostly it's to stop the soil coming out the bottom and ending up all over the drive.  I punched a couple of holes in the lining so the raised beds don't end up being waterlogged.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

My raised beds are 90cm by 120cm, and 30cm tall.  I worked out that I needed about 325 litres to fill each bed. 

I added layers of cardboard, newspapers and magazines, then watered them so they were a little damp.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Next was half a bag of bark chips, which works out as 25 litres.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

I layered in the kitchen scraps from the compost caddy in the kitchen and the one from work, 2 bunches of flowers from my birthday that had gone wilty and some lettuce that was past it's best in the fridge.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

I wasn't planning on putting coir compost in, but I picked up a 50 litre pack from Home Bargains for £1.79, so in it went.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Dandelion leaves, nettle leaves, buddleia and magnolia leaves went in next.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Then I put in the contents of the paper recycling basket - lots of loo rolls!

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Next was a 1/3 pack of straw, I gave the whole thing a little sprinkling of water again too.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

I added a 25 litre bag of top soil.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

I dug some soil from the garden beds, and from under the hedge at the bottom of the garden, it's full of worms and leaves and hopefully some good microorganisms to make my new raised bed healthy.  I added about 1 small trug full.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Next up I put some prunings from a wiegela bush, then a thin sprinkling of bark chips.  I watered this layer too.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

Lastly, I put in the 7 remaining bags of topsoil I'd bought.  That's 175 litres.

How to Fill a Raised Bed using the Lasagna Method.

And then I was finished, which I was happy about, because I was exhausted!

The total costs were £24 for 200 litres of topsoil (2 lots of special offer, 4 25 litre bags for £12 from Homebase) , £2.50 for half a 50 litre bag of bark chippings and £1.79 for a 50 litre bag of coir compost.  I had everything else already, so I think this turned out to be a very cheap way to fill a raised bed!

I'm going to grow onions and garlic in my raised bed over winter, and I've been inspired for future planting schemes by reading this article about growing in small spaces in October's issue of Vegan Life Magazine.  There are loads of great ideas for growing in square meter beds, that would be perfect for raised beds too!

Vegan Life Magazine October 2015 #ukveganblogger #ukgardenblogger
Image c/o Vegan Life Magazine.

Disclosure - I have been provided with a free digital subscription to Vegan Life Magazine in return for reviewing this publication.  I even have my own page in the vegan bloggers section on their lovely website.  All opinions are, of course, my own and always will be.

Linking up with Green Thumb Thursday.