
Friday 12 February 2016

Make one small change - make your own air freshener.

Adopting eco friendly habits can be easier if they're taken one small step at a time.  Lots of small changes add up to a big difference.

Make your own eco friendly air freshener.  Small changes can help you live a greener lifestyle.

It's nice to use air freshener but not so nice to spray chemicals all round your home, some of them can be bad for you and the environment.  

I make my own air freshener and it's super easy.  You need a spray bottle (I've reused an old one!), water and lavender essential oil.  Add 15 drops of essential oil to the spray bottle, top it up with water, give it a shake and you're done.  

I only use my homemade air freshener sparingly, the best air freshener is cost free and chemical free - open a window!

Make your own eco friendly air freshener.  Small changes can help you live a greener lifestyle.

Linking up with Flaunt it Friday.


  1. Mmm, I love lavender. On my list for this summer is visiting the local lavender farm, you can go and pick your own and they're quite happy for you to frolic about taking photos apparently!

    1. Oooo that sounds amazing! The part of my garden where I grow lavender smells amazing, I keep wafting past it on purpose!

  2. I agree with you, the best air freshener is an open window !

    1. My mum taught me that :D When we moved into this new house it smelled like the windows had never ever been opened, I have rectified the situation now!

  3. I mix bicarbonate of soda and lavender essential oil together in a jar to sprinkle on carpets or in teenagers boots - it works a treat when vacuumed up as everything smells lovely and fresh.

    1. That sounds like a good idea, I usually just use bicarb but I'll definitely be mixing in lavender from now on :)

  4. I hate artificial air fresheners!!! They actually give me a headache. My mum made me some nice essential oil sprays too like this!!x

    1. Me too, how nice of your mum to make you some nice natural air fresheners :D


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