
Tuesday 9 February 2016

My garden, February 2016.

It feels almost spring-y some days, the bulbs in my garden definitely think so, 

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

I bought some elephant garlic and planted it in this big pot.  I've never grown elephant garlic before, I hope it grows ok!

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

I planted this kale last summer, it's been slow to grow.  Come on little kale!

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

My garden friend has been this little robin again.

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

 Here's the whole garden, not looking very interesting, but there's plenty of things shooting up and I'm pleased my chard and spinach beet are still there, I've been eating them all winter!

Planting elephant garlic, spring bulbs flowering and kale growing in my garden. #ukgarden #gardenblogger #gardening

There's not much going on in the garden this month, I've been doing a bit of pruning and tidying up ready for spring to come, and lots of hoeing the weeds out of the gravel driveway!  I have plenty of garden-y daydreams though, I can't wait to get started!

Here are some of my favourite gardening articles from this month,

Alys Fowler on how to grow elephant garlic

I love this tutorial for making a hanging planter from a toy egg

I'm intrigued by potato onions and I definitely want to grow lipstick chard this year - it's SO pink!

And you might have missed my post on how to fill a raised bed using the lasagna method.

How are your gardens this month?  Got any exciting spring gardening plans?


  1. I was intrigued by your regarding the egg hanging basket - it is rather sweet - might try to do that as i have plenty of small succulents that would fill that little planter rather happily :) My garden is a dank and wet lump of earth at the moment, water trickles under the lawn consistently - you can hear it if you stand quietly and all the plants are still sleeping - can't wait for spring!

    1. Oh no, sorry to hear your garden is so wet, I hope it dries up really soon so you can get in there! :)

  2. I daren't go into my garden, it is so wet I don't want to damage the soil by walking on it. I am sure there things growing in there tho'!

    1. Sorry to hear your garden is so wet too! Mines a little soggy, but I made stepping stone paths all over the beds last year so I can walk on it ok now :)

  3. Oh i'm jealous of all the life in your garden! I was only thinking the other day how I wish spring would hurry up so the garden would look a little less grey and depressing! Need that snow to shift too first I guess lol.

    1. Goodness, have you still got snow?! Hope it melts soon and spring comes to you :)

  4. I have some small curly kale plants too. The slugs have been nibbling them over the mild winter but hopefully they'll grow away soon! I love the robin, very cute.

    1. Mine haaven't been too badly nibbled, considering this is the sluggiest part of the garden! Don't think I'll bother with curly kale again it doesn't ever seem to grow well for me!

  5. It is looking gorgeous!!! I love seeing Curly Kale growing!!!x

    1. Thank you :D I've never actually eaten any home grown kale as it doesn't seem to do very well, I'm hoping if I'm patient this little one will grow and I'll finally be able to eat some!


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