
Tuesday 29 August 2017

My homegrown harvest, August 2017.

There's not been so much to harvest this month.  Which is ok, I'm still getting my timings right for successional planting and stuff.  I'm just happy to be eating homw grown food!

My homegrown harvest, August 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardening #gardenharvest #permaculturegarden #organicgarden

I was super pleased with my first little bean harvest and I'll definitely grow more beans next year.  I made some rice and beans with my borlotto beans, I always think it's such a shame they don't stay stripey when they're cooked!

My homegrown harvest, August 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardening #gardenharvest #permaculturegarden #organicgarden

I accidentally grew some beetroot!  I thought it was Swiss chard but no, on closer inspection they were beetroot and Joe's eaten them with his roast dinner as I don't like beetroot.  I've had a request to grow him some more so I've planted some more little clumps of seed to see if they'll grow over autumn and winter.

My homegrown harvest, August 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardening #gardenharvest #permaculturegarden #organicgarden

We've had loads of raspberries towards the end of the month.  I'm picking a couple of handfuls of them every other day and there are loads and loads still to come, it's such a good year for raspberries.  Joe and I had to share this sweetcorn because it's the only one that's grown.  It was super yummy though!

My homegrown harvest, August 2017. By UK garden blogger #gardening #gardenharvest #permaculturegarden #organicgarden

How are your gardens?  Are you harvesting anything exciting?


  1. Looks delicious! I've not grown corn, but I gather it can be difficult, so you should be proud.

    1. Thank you! I usually grow mini corn fairly easily, but this big corn has proved a challenge! At least we got one!

  2. We've had courgettes, tomatoes, rocket, lettuce and sugar snap peas this year, I did have a couple of squashes but got back from End of the Road to discover they'd all been eaten.
    I've also had masses of raspberries, blackberries, apples, rhubarb and plums - but I can't take credit for them they're growing wild in the garden! xxx

    1. What a lot of lovely fruit! We're having a good year for raspberries at least, and I was given a thornless blackberry for my birthday, so I have high hopes for that next year!

  3. My garden has just about finished now. The rabbits ate all my beans but I did have a glut of tomatoes. I also tried beets this year. Did you know you can also eat the leaves. They are very much like chard.

    1. I was eating the beet leaves thinking they were chard, but then I noticed the plants had big roots and realised they were beetroot! doh!

  4. We tried to grow some rainbow corn, but we only harvested one really tiny cob :).

    1. Oh dear, one is better than none I suppose! Better luck next time, the rainbow corn is so pretty.

  5. I got one tomato from the solitary plant that was left to fend for itself! We've had loads of apples and pears!

    1. I never do well with tomatoes, I don't put enough effort into keeping them fed and watered!


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